Chapter 15(Final)

Start from the beginning

"You mean Mr. Zhao's best manager who just started the work a year ago?" the other asked to confirm.

Shen Wei nods.

"Why not your husband himself to go there?" Mr. Lim asked.

"Oh, Lim shushu! Can't you see my condition now? I am almost due now, shushu. How can he leave me alone to handle our triplet babies at here? Besides, Mr. Chu is the best manager and the genius guy for the project. This project is came from his idea too," Shen Wei reminded and they all laugh to hear that fact.

"So, who will join Mr. Chu from your own company, Mrs. Zhao?" the other shareholder asked.

"Of course my loyal secretary, Miss Guo Changcheng. She will help Mr. Chu at there through the project in progression. That's why I asked you all to send one of the best staff from your own companies to collaborate in this project. The profits will be given equally to all the company branches under the Golden Star Holdings. No exceptional and no more or less for you all," Shen Wei told.

"That's fair and square! I agreed! I will nominate the name to you as soon as possible within this month, Mrs. Zhao!" Mr. Wu agreed and the others started to agree as well.

"Good! Now we can dismiss the meeting. After we got all the names for that project, we will have the detail meeting. All the best to all of you," Shen Wei said and the meeting has dismissed after that.

Zhao Yunlan didn't leave the meeting room yet and he waits for Shen Wei to have a talk regarding to that project collaboration. Shen Wei dismissed Guo from the meeting room and she takes a seat at the side of Zhao Yunlan. She smiles to her husband with a happiness on her face.

"So, my deputy chairman, what is it that you waited for me now?" Shen Wei asked with a tease.

"Oh, Xiao Wei! Don't tease me with that title. You know to take that position title, it's a burdening to my shoulders, you know. With my family, my staffs and now to take care of all the companies under your Golden Star Holdings, it's more burdening to me. It's not easy, you know. But please don't worry. I will not give up because with this position I can know how hard you did your job to take care of all the companies under your Golden Star Holdings. I can know the hardworks you did and I can face what you faced for the sake of theirs," Zhao Yunlan replied.

Shen Wei nods understand.

"Slowly you can adapt with what I faced every day to take care all of my company branches, hubby," Shen Wei assured.

Zhao Yunlan smiles.

"Count on me in your efforts and hardship, okay?" Zhao Yunlan said and Shen Wei nods.

"Well, how are my children? Are they naughty today to kick your womb?" Zhao Yunlan changed the conversation and he leans his ear to Shen Wei's pregnancy womb to hear his own child status in there.

"They are behaved today, papa. Not naughty," Shen Wei replied on behalf of her children in her womb.

"Good, babies. Don't tease mama with your naughtiness, okay babies?" Zhao Yunlan said while gently rubbing his wife's pregnancy belly which almost due now.

"Hubby, were you fetching Yezhun today?" Shen Wei asked while stroking her husband's hair when her husband still talking with their babies in the womb.

"Yes, Xiao Wei. I fetched him today afternoon before lunch. He whined because not yeye to fetch him," Zhao Yunlan told.

"Oh, poor him! He is too closed with his yeye now, forgetting me as his mama and you as his papa," Shen Wei said and at the last she also whined about Yezhun.

Zhao Yunlan laughs.

"Are you jealous to see him is closer to dad more than with you?" Zhao Yunlan asked with a tease.

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