Chapter 6

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Zhao Yunlan works overtime on that night. Not about the office work that he is working overtime tonight but about the curse that Shen Wei has in her family. Since Zhao Yunlan knows about the curse in Shen Wei's family, he decided to find the source and the cure for that curse. He believes every curse will have a cure. And he believes this curse can be cured with something in this world.

"Boss, are you staying here again tonight?" Lin interrupted Zhao Yunlan's work in that office room when he wanted to go back home at almost 9 o'clock at night.

Zhao Yunlan just nods while his eyes are still locking to his laptop to read about the curse related to Shen Wei's family. He found a blogger who shared about the curse that related to Shen Wei has now. So he keeps reading any information related to find a cure. Lin frowns to see the focus of his boss is locked to the laptop screen instead of looking at him like always his boss did if he talked to his boss. He walks closer to his boss to see what is his boss reading now on that laptop screen. His did caused Zhao Yunlan startled with scare.

"Lin Jing! Can you not scare me to death like that?! My heart almost dropped to the floor, you know!" Zhao Yunlan scolded for his scare by Lin that suddenly leaned at his side with a silent movement.

Lin frowns again.

"Boss, what is it that you are reading this blogger website? What is it about the curse? Why are you interested in the curse now? Are you learning the curse to chant to someone?" Lin curiously asked.

"Yes, I am! I want to chant the curse to you to not scare me to death!" Zhao Yunlan replied with his mad and Lin laughs to hear that as he knows his boss just madly teasing him now for the scare his boss got from him just now.

"You dared to curse me, boss. I don't believe on you. Well, tell me, boss what is it? Who knows I can help you with anything," Lin offered the help to hear the confession from his boss.

Zhao Yunlan sighs in defeated before he leans forward to face Lin that now taking the seat on the chair in front of him.

"Lin, do you believe if someone got a curse in his or her family in this kodern days and that curse can cause the death of each member of his or her family?" Zhao Yunlan asked to Lin.

Lin didn't hesitant to nod for that question, believe on that situation from his side of view.

"Who is having that curse? Is that you, boss?" Lin worryingly asked just if his boss got the curse under his unknown.

Zhao Yunlan shakes his head.

"Not me. But Lin, is every curse can be cured like this blogger said?" Zhao Yunlan replied but then he asked again to Lin.

Lin nods since he knows the owner of that blogger website if not his own childhood friend from the same hometown.

"All the curses in this world have the cures. Just we need to find the cures for every curses we got. For example the house is cursed for the haunted ghost. Then you need to find the source of that ghost and clear that house. If you have the curse of unhappiness family, you need to find the source of that unhappiness. Maybe about the relationship which is a husband or wife cheated to each other. What curse that person has, boss?" Lin said his knowledge and then he asked back.

"Death from the position she has now," Zhao Yunlan replied.

Lin frowns.

"Death from the position she has now? What's that mean? Can you elaborate to me, boss?" Lin confused to hear the incomplete words.

Zhao Yunlan sighs.

"She has a family curse. Every person who sat on her position in her company, that person will be cursed to die together with that person's partner. Now she is afraid to get married because she is afraid if she and her partner will be died too like her other family members," Zhao Yunlan told but not to tell for who is that she.

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