Chapter 10

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"Please don't worry. He is fine now. He has no problem with his head because of that fallen brick. Just he got a few stitches for his wounded head. But still we need to check further after he woke up just in case he got any concussion," Da Qing told as he got the case of Zhao Yunlan during his shift in the emergency room on that day.

Lin and Mr. Zhao sigh in relieved but Shen Wei still trembled at her seat to see the condition of Zhao Yunlan because of her. She is afraid if the relationship of her with Zhao Yunlan has caused this incident happened. The burdening of curse on her shoulder made her feels more worried over her relationship with Zhao Yunlan now. Mr. Zhao was arrived after half an hour he got the phone call from Lin. Mr. Zhao directly gets Shen Wei after he heard about his son's condition from Da Qing.

"Shen Wei, please don't worry. My son has a long time to live on this ground. So please don't worry, okay? He just got a minor wound like Da Qing said," Mr. Zhao assured.

"I am sorry, shushu. Because of me, he got that injury," Shen Wei apologized for her guilty feeling to cause this incident happened to Zhao Yunlan at the project site.

Mr. Zhao shakes his head as he knows the situations of both sides.

"Shen Wei, please don't blame yourself. If I am in Yunlan's shoes, I will do the same to you. I may push you or cover you like Yunlan did. That is the spontaneously reaction to save his lover. So, please don't blame yourself. This is not related to your family curse or what. This is just an accident. During we are involving in the project site, the unexpected incident always occurred if we are not careful. I am sure, that is just the fault from the workers who didn't be careful in their works for that fallen brick," Mr. Zhao assured.

"Miss Shen, Zhao shu said the truth. If I am in Yunlan's shoes, I will do the same too. Not only me, Zhao shu, but anybody who is in that situation will save the life first. So please don't worry, okay?" Lin added with his assurance for Shen Wei at her seat in front of the emergency room.

"Shen Wei, please don't worry. Yunlan is fine. For your information, he always got this kind of incident in his life. He once almost died because of his naughtiness when he fell off the tree when he was child. You can see his shoulder. He still has that scars on his back and front shoulder. That wood was struck directly from his back shoulder to the front. If you are logically thinking, is that incident caused by your family curse too? He still not met you yet at that time, right? So why is he almost died at that time? This is a life, Shen Wei. Everything happens in this life is because of the fate and destiny, not the curse. If you are obsessed over the curse, then forever you will think everything happened are because of curse. But it's not, okay?" Da Qing tried to make Shen Wei understand the situation now.

Shen Wei sighs in relief. Now she can accept the situation happened to Zhao Yunlan when no one has blaming on her. She knows Zhao Yunlan or anyone will do the same to see such as situation. Even she will do the same if she is brave enough to do that. But she is not that brave like Zhao Yunlan did. Her legs will be trembled to see that situation. She may can't push or even cover Zhao Yunlan if she is in Zhao Yunlan's shoes to save her at that time. But who knows right when you are in love and you love someone so much. Maybe you will be spontaneously saved your lover without your knowing.

"Zhao shu, you and them can visit Yunlan after the nurse settled with the warded procedure. And please don't wake him for now. And if he woke up soon, he is throwing up, immediately call the nurse or doctor, okay? That's the meaning of his head got a concussion. But I hope he will be fine accordingly to his x-ray result that I checked for a moment ago," Da Qing reminded.

Mr. Zhao nods understand.

"Thank you, Da Qing," Mr. Zhao said and Da Qing walks away to continue his shift work in the emergency room for today.

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