Chapter 9

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Shen Wei silents in the car when Zhao Yunlan sent her back to her house on that night after the talk and then dinner with Zhao family. Zhao Yunlan also silents during his driving. Their minds are still thinking about the words from Mr. Zhao. Is it true that the deal between their companies and then their love relationship now is the cure for that curse? Is it true that this curse will be broken if they both get married, ignored the curse from Zhu Lin? But how about Zhu Hong? She loves Zhao Yunlan too.

The love triangle is happening again for these three families just like what's happened 50 years ago. Before this, the love triangle happened amongst their grandfather and grandmothers. And now it's happening amongst them three. Zhu always trying to get Zhao Yunlan to marry him. But Zhao Yunlan never look at Zhu as a special girl, nor a sister. For Zhao Yunlan, Zhu is nothing. And that makes Shen Wei feels worry to think about their love triangle now.

"Mama, papa, are you arguing to be silent like this in the car? I am boring to be here without a talk," Yezhun curiously asked to this couple when he noticed they didn't talk happily since the dinner and only that old man talked to him.

"Err... No, Yezhun. We are fine. Right, Yunlan?" Shen Wei quickly replied while hiding the real situation between her and Zhao Yunlan.

Zhao Yunlan nods and he pinches a little the cheek of Yezhun who is sitting on the laps on Shen Wei at the passenger seat when Shen Wei eagerly to hug that boy in her hold in the car.

"Ouch! Papa, it's hurt! Don't pinch my cheek," Yezhun whined and Zhao Yunlan laughs to see the sulking face of Yezhun.

"Yezhun, we are not arguing. Just we have something important to think in our lifes. Well, don't talk about us. Let's talk about you and yeye. How is it to be in yeye's house? Did you like it to be there with yeye?" Zhao Yunlan changed the conversation between them to avoid the uncomfortable feeling between them.

Yezhun happily started to talk about him with Mr. Zhao. Why not when Mr. Zhao treated him like a grandson. Mr. Zhao gave him a lot of toys too before he left the house. He even got a lot of delicious foods from Mr. Zhao made Shen Wei felt uncomfortable to accept a lot of things from Mr. Zhao. But then Zhao Yunlan assured to Shen Wei that his dad can accept her as his lover if his dad treated Yezhun nicely like that. Shen Wei sighs in relief but still she is worried about that curse if it's true just like Mr. Zhao said to them from that expertise.

"Yezhun, can you go inside first? Mama has something to talk with papa now," Shen Wei requested as she let the maid to take Yezhun into the house.

"Okay, mama! Don't be long. I am sleepy now and I want to sleep with you, mama," Yezhun replied with a whining too and Shen Wei chuckles to hear that.

"Alright, my little boy! I will come to you as fast as I can. Go now," Shen Wei said and Yezhun happily entered the house with the maid.

Shen Wei sighs a little and she backs to Zhao Yunlan to have a private talk between them both.

"What is it, Xiao Wei? Are you still worrying over my dad's words about our relationship?" Zhao Yunlan asked to confirm what he guessed to see the silent of his girlfriend now.

Shen Wei nods admitted.

"What if he is wrong about that? What if that curse is still not broken even after we got married? What if it's still haunting us and caused you to die too?" Shen Wei worried.

Zhao Yunlan sighs.

"Xiao Wei, whatever happens in the future is not in our hands to determine. It's a fate. If our fate is to die earlier after we got married, just let it be. We don't know what will happen in the future, Xiao Wei. We just need to go with the flow and try everything we can in this life. Like our marriage... We will not know if our marriage will be longer than expected or not. But we can try, isn't it?" Zhao Yunlan assured to Shen Wei.

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