Chapter 3

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Shen Wei is surprised to know the owner of that phone number when she asked Congbo, her security leader to check on it. Congbo is known as the best hacker in her company. The staffs in the Golden Star Holdings are coming from the best educated and skilled. Shen ancestor will choose the best amongst the best in the world to work in this big company for the quality and efficient works and then the descendants will follow the same rule.

"Who is he, Wei?" Sang who came with her to check that phone number asked for his curiosity.

"Err... Well, the current CEO of Zhao Enterprise, Mr. Zhao Yunlan. He came here two days ago. You saw him and his secretary in that private room after their presentation when you sent Yezhun to me," Shen Wei told without any smile on her face.

Sang frowns.

"And he sent you that text? Confessing his love to you? He dared to do that to you when he needs to deal with you for the project he presented to your company?" Sang surprisingly asked to know that when he already read that text from Shen Wei.

Shen Wei nods admitted.

"So, what will you do? Will you cancel his deal with you now?" Sang curiously asked again.

Shen Wei didn't nod neither shake her head. She walks away from the security room, left behind Congbo with his work. Sang followed Shen Wei from the back and he waited for the answer from his cousin which coming from his mother's side and Shen Wei's mother's side too. Both their mothers are siblings with the different grandmother but same grandfather. Shen Wei's mother is the elder sister of Sang's mother. And this company is belonged to Shen family, not Sang.

"Sang, will you be my fake husband for the meantime in front of him and his staffs? Let them know that you are my husband," Shen Wei requested as she entered to her office room.

Sang arches his eyebrows to hear that request from his cousin.

"Err... Why? Isn't it easy to tell the truth to him that you rejected him?" Sang asked in confusion.

Shen Wei sighs.

"I can't, Sang. I don't want to reject him nor to cancel his deal with this company. But I can't accept his love nor to tell the truth. What if he will run away to know about that curse in my family? He will not only run away from loving me but also to deal with this company. Who want to make a deal with the cursed person, Sang?" Shen Wei said.

Sang nods defeated. Shen Wei said the truth. For this time, she never tell about the curse in her family to anyone except to him and his wife. No one knows it. Even Guo still not know it. This is the family issue, so it's supposedly be in their family. Sang lost his parents aboyt 10 years ago. Both were died because of the natural death, not because of the curse in Shen family since he and his parents are not related to Shen ancestor.

"So, what will you do to make me as your fake husband? You want to dump him with our fake relationship? How about my wife? Should I tell her?" Sang asked to know better the plan from Shen Wei before he will proceed it.

"You should tell her first, Sang. Or else, she will ruin my plan," Shen Wei said.

Sang nods in relief to hear that which he needs to tell his wife first. He is not afraid if Shen Wei's plan will be ruined but he is afraid if his wife lost the trust to him when his wife knows that Sang once had a feeling to his own cousin since child because of the beauty that Shen Wei has. Now, Wang already can accept the fact that Sang loves her the most. But still Wang does the precaution step just in case Shen Wei will get her husband for Shen Wei didn't have anyone else yet till now.

"I will call him to tell about the project..." Shen Wei said and then she explained her plan for Zhao Yunlan to Sang.

Zhao Yunlan on the other hands is nervously waiting for any call or text from Shen Wei or that Golden Star Holdings. He is too scared now if his stupid mistake to text the confession of his love to Shen Wei will ruin his deal with that company. He rubs his miserable face to think of any possibility from that stupid action of his. Lin who came to his office on that morning can't help to feel dizzy to see the miserable face of his boss now.

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