Chapter 5

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Shen Wei is still thinking of the words from Zhao Yunlan. The unexpected second confession from that guy. And that second confession is directly in front of her face. After that confession, Zhao Yunlan left her dumbfounded without getting her answer when he saw her speechless at her seat. Zhao Yunlan just asked her to think twice to make a decision for his confession before he left her alone in her office room on that day.

"Miss Shen, Mr. Lin called me and asked about the time for Mr. Zhao to present the agendas on tomorrow. Did you decide the time for them?" Guo asked as she came to Shen Wei's office room now.

"Err... I forgot to ask the board of directors about that meeting. Can you help me to get their time schedules and set the schedule for that meeting if they all are available tomorrow? If not tomorrow, ask them for a day after tomorrow. Please help me for that. I can't think straight today. My head is aching," Shen Wei pleaded as she heard about that meeting with Zhao Yunlan.

Guo frowns.

"Are you sick, Miss Shen? Do you need me to send you to clinic?" Guo worryingly asked.

"No, Guo. It's okay. I just need a rest. Well, I will go back home earlier today. Can you take over the task I gave to you without me at here today?" Shen Wei decided with her confirmation ask to her loyal secretary.

Guo nods.

"Don't worry, Miss Shen. If I need anything, I will contact you through the phone call or text," Guo confidently replied.

"Good! Then, I leave the work to your care now, okay? And tell me about the time schedule for that meeting with Zhao Enterprise soon," Shen Wei reminded and as Guo nodded understood, Shen Wei left the company under the care of Guo.

Shen Wei drove to the nursery and she wanted to fetch Yezhun earlier to accompany her at home. But then she got an information that a guy with the name of Zhao Yunlan fetched Yezhun for ice cream. Zhao Yunlan even asked the teacher to tell to Shen Wei about that and also asked Shen Wei to meet him in the ice cream cafe in the town. Shen Wei is so surprised to know about that which Zhao Yunlan is dared to make a move to approach Yezhun without her knowing.

"I am sorry, Miss Shen to allow him to fetch Yezhun. He said you allowed him to fetch Yezhun since he is your boyfriend. Besides, he left the message to let you go to him and Yezhun at there. So, I..."

"It's okay, Teacher Zhang. I can understand that. Well, I will meet him now. Thank you for today," Shen Wei cut that teacher's apology.

Teacher Zhang just nods with her guilty feeling to allow Zhao Yunlan to get Yezhun now as she thought Zhao Yunlan said the truth about the relationship of him with Shen Wei. Why not when Zhao Yunlan said he is the boyfriend of Shen Wei and Yezhun is happy to see him like they already know each other for a long time. She didn't know that Yezhun never meet directly with Zhao Yunlan but just a picture from Shen Wei's phone when Yezhun saw his mama kept smiling to stare on Zhao Yunlan's picture within these two days at home.

Shen Wei drives to that cafe that Teacher Zhang mentioned with a little bit worry heart too since she didn't know the real Zhao Yunlan is when she just knows him through the company's deal and that confession. Even though she silently observed on that Zhao Enterprise company, but she never alert of Zhao Yunlan for this time. She thought that company is still under Mr. Zhao Xinchi till she met with a new director of that company. But still she feels weird when she was comfortably told the story of her family curse to Zhao Yunlan like she knows him for a long time ago.

"Miss Shen Wei, here!" Zhao Yunlan shouted from the seat when he saw Shen Wei entered the cafe caused Yezhun turned to the back.

"Mama! You came! Shushu didn't lie to me that he said you will come to us soon," Yezhun excitedly said to see his mama came to them now as he hugged his mama.

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