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"A new dog, huh?" The brunette raised a brow as Chan stood there eagerly.
"No. Dogs!" Chan corrects, and Lee know was definitely not taking care of a bunch of dogs, he's a cat lover!
"Chan. you know- we already have cats. I think that's enough-" Lee know rolled his eyes, pushing Chan's face away. "But look at the puppies here! Aren't they cute? Come on, Lino~ " Chan shows a quick picture and becomes the puppy himself on screen, and Lee know groans. "...They better not eat my cat." He sighed, and Chan's eyes twinkled. 


Lee know clicked his tongue, "I'll think about it." Chan was jumping(like the kangaroo he is,) in excitement. "How about no?" And, that happiness has fallen.
"Minhoo!" Bangchan frowned. "I wanna have my own army of wolves! Please oh please can we take care of them?" The lone wolf howled, and we have another episode of Lee know rolling his eyes at his boyfriend. 

"You're literally convincing me to buy puppies what wolves are you-- Whatever. Me, Soonie, Doongie and Dori are gonna have some business together. Alone." He demands, holding all his cats in one big hug and sitting on the couch "Now shoo" Chan moaned, walking over to Lee know with a mischievous smile.

"Don't you dare." The brunette hissed. And the kangaroo did not hesitate to jump on Lee know, scaring all his cats away. Lee know yelped.
"Alright, alright! We're getting those damn dogs, for real! Now don't suffocate me-" Chan gave Lee know a small peck on the cheek, making Lino side eye the man.
"Thank you, Lino." The elder flashed his dimples.

" The elder flashed his dimples

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𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰


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