"Won't you accompany me to the garden, just for a little while?" The sun's rays, casting a warm halo around Cyrus's tall figure, gave him an ethereal glow that, for a moment, made him seem like a character from a dream. He left no room for Remis to make the slightest refusal.


The East Garden, an isolated haven on the campus directly adjacent to Remis' dormitory, unfolded before them as they ambled through its small walkways and canopies. Grand weeping willows draped the clearing, creating a protective curtain against the world beyond. The lush leaves of the willows reflected in the neatly placed pools beneath, and in the center of the clearing stood a blooming water fountain, kissed by the afternoon light in a gentle arc. Seated on the fountain's edge, the soothing sounds of water splashing back into the pool cocooned them in an oasis of comfort.

As they settled, Cyrus's unwavering gaze remained fixed on Remis, his eyes scouring the youth's expression for any signs of vulnerability. A trace of uneasiness flickered in Cyrus's inscrutable irises, a crease forming between his worked brows. Despite his familiar angelic smile, worn slightly at the edges, small peaks of emotion slipped through the mask he wore.

After a moment of tranquil contemplation, Remis finally worked his eyes up to meet Cyrus's gaze, his brows slightly raised, silently asking the unspoken question, "Why did you bring me here?" Cyrus extended his arm, hand reaching toward Remis' face, but a sudden static-like jolt caused his hand to jerk back. A cough and averted gaze followed, leaving an awkward moment of silence, Remis uncertain about what was transpiring.

Cyrus extended his arm, his hand reaching to grasp Remis' unguarded face. But before he was able to grasp his expression, his hand halted and jerked back as if he was hit by static. He coughed and turned away, hiding his face. An awkward moment passed and Remis stayed silent, unsure of what was going on.

"Remi, what..." what's going on between you and that bastard Lucius? Why is that duke's son still so close to you? In the end, he swallowed down the questions forming a lump in his throat, not able to push them out and reveal his swirling, dark emotions in his gut. He simply sighed wearily. "How do you know that foreigner? That foreign prince from Nyiel."

Remis blinked with slight surprise. Cyrus' actions were unlike his usual. His expression was genuine, his actions restrained and apprehensive, no longer covered by a thin veil of flamboyant mischief. Remis tilted his head, evaluating the sudden change in attitude. I talk with the prince, sometimes. We're old friends, I guess." The answer was straightforward, the tension palpable.

Remis watched as Cyrus's face crumbled at the response, eyes growing darker, mouth twisting into a scowl.

"So you've known him longer than me?" Cyrus quizzed, leaning forward, his face slowly inching towards Remis', leering over his head and casting a shadow on him. "You know him better than me?"

Remis gulped, his head arching back and his arms shuffling around to find a grip on the cool marble rim. Cyrus's hand clenched, knuckles turning white, signaling his displeasure. Danger encroached. "No, I've known you longer," Remis asserted, seizing the moment to propel off the floor. But Cyrus was faster, pulling Remis onto his lap, their proximity unexpected for both. Cyrus' muscles tensed as he felt the weight of Remis' figure saddle his lap, the warmth of Remis' back pressing against his chest, making his skin feel tingly and hot.

Remis twitched, the feeling of Cyrus' tensed muscles inexplicably sending a shiver through his heart. His eyes darted to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of the capture target's expression, but with no luck. For some reason, he knew if he turned his head back to face him, it would only result in a worse outcome. Remis began laughing awkwardly, his mind spinning with thoughts once again. Fuck, I really don't have a good feeling about this.

He shifted, his weight shifting forward from Cyrus' lap in an attempt to slowly slip away from the situation. His ears went red when Cyrus instinctively pulled him back, leaving no room to move between his tight embrace. They sat there, silently, both silent and flustered, until Cyrus finally spoke. His face, nestled into Remis' shoulder like a burrowing hamster, betrayed an uncharacteristic vulnerability. "Why... do you have to be closer to him than to me...?" he muttered, his hot breath permeating through the fabric of Remis' coat. "I don't understand..."

Turning to face him, Remis saw Cyrus keeping his head low, but curiosity triumphed over reluctance. He reached forward, gently lifting Cyrus' chin. The man's eyes were slightly red, his usual angelic smile replaced by a face creased with worry, teeth gritted, and shoulders tense with apprehension. Remis couldn't help but smile at the raw display.

"You know, I like it when you don't wear that stupid mask of yours," Remis said, slowly reaching forward to touch the tip of Cyrus' lips. "You don't look so fake when you act like yourself."

Cyrus blinked, his tongue seemingly stuck. "Y-you..." For the first time, his mind felt fuzzy, his face growing hot, a jumpy, elating feeling coursing through his body. Uncertain of how to respond, his eyes darted back and forth, and his heart raced faster than ever before. In that moment, the vulnerability of their emotions hung in the air, Cyrus helplessly entranced.

The sudden, overwhelming impulse to kiss Remis at that very moment surged within him.

Don't Come Near Me, I'm Just a Background Character [BL Harem]Where stories live. Discover now