Bada pulled back from the hug and wiped my tears away. She stared into my eyes for a moment then smiled at me sweetly. I couldn't help but kiss her right now. I felt so much love and compassion for her. Bada picked me up gently by my thighs and placed me on the countertop with my back against the mirror. The kiss started off gently but soon turned into a need, a want.

"I love you so much baby," Bada said as she moved from my lips to my neck. I wrapped my legs around her waist as she devoured my neck and hit the right spot. A soft moan left my lips and I could feel her grinning.  

"I love you too Bada, so much," I let out between ragged breaths. She moved back up to my lips but before we could continue, we heard the front door open. I pulled away so quickly and just stared into Bada's eyes with so much fear. 

I don't know why, but the thought of him being here right now made my heart drop and my stomach sink. It felt like I was in fight or flight mode and Bada could tell. 

"Look at me love, it's gonna be okay. Just stay behind me, hmm?" Bada said smiling while stroking my cheek trying her best to keep me from going ballistic right now. 

Hanuel walks into the bedroom looking confused at all the clothes and suitcases everywhere. He then looks into the bathroom and spots us. I was still on the counter and Bada had her back facing me protectively. 

"What are you doing here? Came back for another round?" Haneul said which made Bada chuckle. And it wasn't an "oh get a load of this guy" funny, it was her "if he doesn't stop talking right now, I'm gonna put a bullet between his eyes" funny. Yup, her inner psycho was showing, and I needed to get us out of here before something bad happens. Bada turned back to me and looked me in the eyes as she ignored Hanuel's question. 

"You finished packing in here?" she asked me sweetly to which I slowly nodded. I don't usually see her like this but I know it's her way of trying to be civil and not scare me, otherwise, she would've been had jumped Haneul. She smiles as she grabs my hand to help me off of the countertop and she grabs the bag I had used to get my toiletries. 

"I'm talking to you," Haneul said but Bada kept silent and gave all her attention to me. She pulled me behind her away from Haneul as she finished zipping up my suitcases and putting some of my clothes into the other one. I could tell Haneul was getting annoyed and angry, I've seen that look all too many times. I bend down to Bada's ear to tell her something. 

"Let's just get these and go. We can come back another time for everything else," I said and she simply nodded and finished zipping the last suitcase. She picked them up and held them in her left hand and my hand in her right as she directed me out of the room, making sure I was out of Haneul's reach. 

"So you don't hear me talking to you?" Haneul said grabbing Bada's arm. 

"Don't you dare touch her," I screamed loud enough so he'd hear my frustration. But all he did was laugh. 

"Oh, I see. So I was right this entire time, huh?" he said. 

"Excuse me?" Bada said. He was testing her temper and I did not want her to lose it. He's not worth it. 

"So the two of you must've been screwing behind my back this entire time right? I knew you were a slut, Luna. You can fuck everybody but your own boyfriend," he said. I was shocked at what he had just said. Even after all of this, he's still so bitter and horrible. Always trying to find a way out of holding himself accountable for being such a lousy excuse for a human being. 

"I knew you two had been fucking since day one," he said to which Bada scoffed.

"Say something again and why don't you see if I won't smash your head in with these suitcases," Bada said going up closer to him. Yup, now was the time to abort this entire mission. I grabbed Bada's arm so she'd step back from him. I did not want a fight to break out right now. Haneul scoffed at her and rolled his eyes which only annoyed Bada even more. 

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