The Father.55

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Yerim Pov

I looked at my brother's and then Yeonjun I will not stop him with this responsibility but I will also not abort the child I don't know if I love Yeonjun or not but what is the fault of this child he or she is innocent

Yerim:firstly I will not abort the child its final *glared at Kim Brother's* and secondly I will not tell the name of that man *calm tone*

Tae;but Yerim-

Yerim:no buts this is my final decision and if anyone have any problem so keep it to yourself *coldly*

Saying this I walked outside I can hear Namjoon oppa yelling in frustration ahhh......I sighed and creased my belly dear baby don't worry mumma will manage everything

Luna:Yerim are you ok? *raised eyebrow*

Yerim:look unnie if you're here from his side-

Luna:no I am here as your older sister *smile*

Jennie:we love your decision *creased her head*

Lucy:and no matter what we will be with you *hold her hands*

Lia:obviously afterall we are Aunties *creased her belly*

Yerim:thank you so much I know it will be hard for my brothers but they have to understand that it's my decision *calm tone*

Luna:I know you'll not tell us the name of that man and I think there's surely some reason that you're saving him from your deadly brothers *laughs*

Yerim:to be honest i-i do-don't know if I love him or not but I am not going to abort this child what is his Or her fault *smile*

Jennie:good decision tho now go to terrace and wait for us we are going to prepare a perfect meal for you *smile*

Lia:yes I am excited as hell ahhhh.....i can't believe it I've become a aunt *hugs yerim*

I smiled seeing there excitement I walked towards terrace and saw a man standing there looking at the sky I walked towards him and stood beside

Yeonjun:this is my child why you didn't took my name *looks at sky*

Yerim;maybe cuz I am capable to take care of my child in my own *looking at sky*

Yeonjun;so you'll never let me talk to him or her *looks at her*

Yerim:obviously you're free Mr.Choi Yeonjun go and rule the Vietnam don't think about this kid *looks at him*

Yeonjun:how can you-

Jackson:what's going on here? *raised eyebrow*

Yerim:nothing its just he was telling me how happy he is to become a uncle *smile*

Jackson:Yerim don't forget that you are also my friend atleast tell me who is that basterd? *raised eyebrow*

Yerim:please Jackson just stop it that's final I am not telling his name to anyone *side eyeing Yeonjun*

Jackson:ok I agree what will you say when he or she will ask about his or her father? *calm tone*

Yerim:I will make tell my kid that his or her father is already dead *calm tone*

Jackson:look Yerim I want to ask you something and answer the question carefully *serious tone*

Yerim:what is it Jackson *rolls eyes*

Jackson:will you marry me?I will love your kid and you also your brothers will be happy *walked towards her*

Yeonjun;what are you saying-

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