Hurtful Words.11

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--*3 Years Later*--

Luna Pov

It's been three years we are engaged and now I am 23 soon I am getting married nowadays I am happy cuz my business is achieving high success

I got one more partner to support me none other then my sister in law Lucy also understood that she is different she love us especially me she saw how oppa treats me

That's why she always feel bad but she can't do anything cuz oppa hates it when she take my side I shrugged off all the thoughts and moved towards the house

Luna;where is mom? *looks at maid*

Maid:mam is out for few days *bows*

Luna;oh...ok thanks for telling me *smile*

I walked towards unnie room I was about to enter when I heard oppa yelling at her I stopped myself and heard there talk

Yoongi;why can't you understand huh..... *angrily*

Lia:what huh.....why you're not understanding do you even know how hurt Luna feels *yelled*

Yoongi:stop yelling at me Lia be in your limits *warned*

Lia;I am in my limits you have to understand her feeling she is getting married but do you ever asked her if she want it or not *yelled*

Yoongi;I don't want to ask her I don't care about she is the reason my mom and dad is not with me *angrily*

Lia:no you're wrong its not her fault we can't stop any accident ok?the thing which is wrong is you treating her like that *yelled*

Yoongi:so you think I am treating her bad be my thankful I didn't killed her yet or else you're well aware of my anger *yelled*

Well after tehre marriage it's like a regular thing most of the time they fight but at last unnie apologizes and they continue there relationship

I know why unnie always apologize she is afraid of losing him She really loves him but I don't know why oppa doesn't understand this thing also now

They are fighting cuz of me I feel bad hearing all this oppa wants to kill me maybe I am really like a burden without saying anything I walked away

I was sitting on the couch thinking about his words when i saw oppa passing infront of me as soon as he saw me he yelled loudly and said

Yoongi:now my whole day will go bad cuz of this bitch *yelled*

Lia:stop it yoongi don't say like that she is your sister *angrily*

Yoongi:no she us not my sister for me she died the day my parents died *glared*

Lucy:why you accused her for something she didn't did huh.....just why? *angrily*

Yoongi:don't argue with ne Lucy don't forget I am your brother *galred*

Lucy:brother? *scoff* did you ever did something as brother *glared*

Luna:Lucy stop arguing and go to your room *serious tone*

Lucy:but luna-

Luna:go Lucy *glared*'re trying to be nice infront of me damn *sarcastic tone*

Luna:its not like that oppa why you always thinks like that why you hate me so much *yelled*

Yoongi;looks at you seems like bitch got some courage don't think that if you're running a crockery company you can compete with me *chocked her neck*

Luna:le-leave me o-oppa *trying to free herself*

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