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--*Next Morning*--

Lia Pov

I woke up and stretched my arms damn ok today is the day I will do my favorite thing i saw Jennie is still asleep I slowly walked outside

And realized that cuz of excitement I woke up very early today I was roaming in the house thinking about today's mission and also about yoongi

Suddenly my eyes fall on a bottle of alcohol and I remembered him ahhh....I wonder where is he and how is he doing did he forget me he didn't even came to my wedding

I came to reality after hearing a yawning sound from behind I turned and saw a sleepy yoongi who was rubbing his eyes to get a clear view of me a little smile came in my face

He slowly walked towards me and hugged me softly I wanted to push him but me heart wanted this feeling to never end he rubbed my neck with his nose and said

Yoongi:good morning jagiya *sleepy tone*

Lia:g-good morning *blushed*

Yoongi:after so many day I saw you after waking up I am very happy today *pecked her nose tip*

I didn't said anything cuz I don't have anything to say I mean I was angry from him and thought he is falling out of love but I was wrong maybe I mean I am not sure

I just smiled softly and walked towards the kitchen I can see his smile fading but I am not ready to talk with him ahhh...I wish he was here with me I am sure he helped me in this


Lucy Pov

I get up and looked around the sun was shining and the rays were falling on Tae face I cansee him making disturbed face in sleep

I slowly walked towards the window and slide the curtains to block the sun rays then i saw
Tae he smiled a little and slept I slowly bend to his level

And admired his face his nose,his lips,his moles suddenly my eyes fall on our wedding ring and I closed my eyes Lucy you can't think like that you know that he is also like his brother's or he will never slap you that day I sighed and walked inside the washroom

After sometime I walked outside and saw Taehyung vibing while wearing a headphone seeing him smile I also smiled then he said

Tae;heyyy.....good morning how was your sleep *boxy smile*

Lucy:good *walked towards mirror*

Tae:you know yesterday night I saw a very beautiful dream *excitedly*

Lucy:*chuckles* seems like dream was very beautiful would you like to tell me *smile*

Tae:yeah sure afterall you're my friend so basically I saw that I am standing at the wedding aisle waiting for my bride she came and we take the vows-

Lucy:you're already married *glared*

Tae:yaaa....but we will divorce eachother after 1 year and my dream was after 1 year I saw you as her bridesmaid and Lucy you'll not believe my bride was looking very beautiful *blushed*

What the fuck he is blushing just cuz he saw a random girl in his dream marrying him as her bridesmaid?no way this is never happening

Tae:yaaa...say something I am very happy today I know my whole day will be good *smile*

Lucy:you're just delusional why you think someone will marry you and why you have to marry again *annoyed tone*

Tae:I am jot delusional and I have to marry cuz after,our divorce how long I will crave for love I want someone standing by my side in business and Mafia world as my partner *smile*

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