Car Race.45

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--*Night Time*--

Luna Pov

I checked myself last time in the mirror yes I am looking sexy i am ready to seduce Carlos I smirked and walked out of the room I sat on the car with my girls and soon we reached to the race track

I saw there is so much crowd I stood in front row and saw Yerim standing next to me La Patrie was also there I saw the cars which was competing with Carlos and I saw Namjoon in one of the car what the fuck

Jennie:Luna did you saw it Namjoon is there *worried tone*

Luna:I saw him what is he doing here and why he us competing with him *raised eyebrow*

Yerim:ohh...don't you know the rules of this race? *raised eyebrow*

Lucy:no we don't know what are the rules? *raised eyebrow*

Yerim:the one who will win the 1st position can kiss any girl here they want *smirk*

Luna:and that's why Carlos invited me and now Namjoon is competing *widen eyes*

Lia:Luna in these types of race many dirty tricks are used what if some thing will happen to him *worried tone*

Before i can go to him the race get started and they both was driving the car in high speed I was worried for Namjoon Carlos cars was about to push his car

But suddenly I saw one more car beside Carlos car and then I looked at Lucy cuz it was Tae now Carlos car was in between there cars

Lucy:fuck I just hope he will be ok *concern tone*

I just can't understand these Kim Brother's I mean why Tae risked his life I am literally not happy I mean this us stupidness the car was going on full speed

Yerim:the interesting thing is that my brother is excited to kiss you Miss.Luna *looks at her*

Luna:yeah.....I can also feel it *murmurs*

Yeonjun:hey Luna you're also here to watch the race *stands next to her*

Luna:actually Carlos invited me that's why I am here *smile*

Yeonjun:I heard that Namjoon and Tae is also competing *raised eyebrow*

Lucy:totally right I just can't understand him why he have to risk his life *rolls eyes*

Jin:its ok Lucy basically he joined this race for Namjoon cuz he knew how hard it will be for him *smile*

Lia:yes he have practice of that much risk afterall he was the best illegal racer ofafia world *smile*

As soon as unnie said that we all stared at her wait I remember when we met her for the first time she was about to say that but Tae stopped her

Lucy:what the hell are you serious unnie *widen eyes*

Lia:ummm....yeah I saw him racing many times and beside this I put my bet on him many times and I won *smirk*

Luna:does Namjoon know this??? *raised eyebrow*

Lia:no and don't dare to tell him or else Tae will get upset from me *pout*

My eyes again fall on the cars ahhhh.....they are just a mile away from the finishing line suddenly Tae drifted his car and stopped it infront of Carlos

Car and finally Namjoon won the race he get out from car and looked at me Catlos also wom the 2nd place and looked at me damn now what

Namjoon:Gané Carlos ahora quieres decir algo más?? *smirk*

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