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--*After Few Days*--

Luna Pov

Many says have passed my wound healed perfectly every night I eat dinner with jin oppa and Jennie unnie maybe oppa is not a good husband but first time I felt how brother love feels

He cares for me and treat me like I am a rose between thorns every night he checks me before sleeping I really love it in these few days unnie changed my mentality towards myself

Now I understood that dying is not an option I have to fight not only for me or my unnie and sister also for the upcoming generation of girls in our family currently I doing meditation

Yes from the day I started my training I am having high anger issues and for that unnie suggested me to meditation oppa doesn't know that unnie is giving me training now few more days and after training I will be new Luna

Jennie;Luna if you're done with meditation come let's go today is your test *smirk*

Luna:sure unnie I am ready *smirk*

I walked towards the training room and saw many muscular man around the room I looked at unnie she smiled and said

Jennie;I am giving you 30 minutes make every man unconscious and after that we will practice how to kill them *smirk*

I smirked and stretched my arms I walked towards them and time started I as fighting with them pouring my all anger in the fight one by one slowly slowly all mens were lying on the floor I looked at unnie she have a proud smile

Jennie;damn Luna you did it in 25 minutes very good next time i want you to complete it in 20 minutes you got that *smile*

Luna:got that mam *smirk*

Jennie:now look at me and understand the weak points like that you can kill anyone easily without weapon *serious tone*

Luna:ok show me *smile*


Namjoon Pov

Where is Luna its been 1 week she is missing I even searched for her everywhere but she is nowhere to found it feels like it's all my fault

I shouldn't have treated her like that now she has gone far away from me I don't when I will able to meet her what if I will never able to see her

Tae:guys I got some information about luna *looks at everyone*

Namjoon:what is it tell me *run towards him*

Lucy:I am her sister tell me first *holds Tae hand*

Tae:listen everyone the evening Luna leaved house that night cuz of high rain fall a  girl jumped on han river and her physical structure is similar to Luna *worried tone*

Lia:no it can't be true where is the body I want yo check it can't be my Luna aaaaahhh.....I will die If something will happen to her *crying hard+fall on ground*

Lucy;unnie please handle yourself and taehyung did you saw the body? *looks at him*

Tae:body is gone for postmortem after few days police will able to tell something *serious tone*

Hearing this my world stopped no it can't be Luna how can she live me like this we was about to spent our whole life together how can she leave me in between

I sat on couch and started massaging my head I can't believe it Luna is not that weak she is a strong girl I am sure it's not Luna she will surely come back i will wait for her

Yoongi Pov

No way it can't be true Luna can't die like God you can't snatch her from me like this she is my sister no....what should I do now

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