Chapter 20

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[Except for the original characters and context from the novel, other events, characters, places, etc. mentioned in this fanfiction are fictitious and do not refer to any specific actual place or person]

Warning: Blood, Violence.


• Disclaimer: 백작가의 망나니가 되었다 - 유려한 | Lout of Count's Family | Trash of the Count's Family does not belong to me but Yulyeohan. This is fanfiction.

• English is not my native language.

• Please do not repost my work and the artwork, you can find them on my X/ IG/ Ao3 or Wattpad under the account J_K_Klara


The temperature seemed to drop every time the clock hands moved forward. They did not know if it was because the nervousness and tension made them more sensitive than normal or if the area really came to the stage before something serious was going to happen, but the murmurs and suspicions that had been floating since the start started to fade away. Gradually, the gazes found their way to the spot, where they knew the cause of why they were showing here was standing.

Kim Rok Soo

One of the representatives of Korea, the one who looked nothing like a fragile doll in the first week, then turned into... a completely different person in the second week. That was quite an understated way to describe it. The way he looked so calm and charmed while saying something enough to cause a cyclone to swipe over the whole place was still new in their minds. That was like a waking slap at everyone, especially the host of the camp, where the system of forecasting was among the most advanced compared to other countries.

     - Mr. Kim. We know that what we did left an unpleasant impression on you, but this is not something that you can joke around with.

The grumpy presentative from the host country slammed the table while his annoying voice echoed in the meeting room full of representatives from each country. Some knew, and some did not, about the "unpleasant impression" that the man was talking about, but they did understand why the dissatisfaction from the host nation exploded. Each person sitting here had a not very secret purpose: to promote future cooperation with the host country in terms of technological research or investment, and of course, showing off through training sessions would be preferable to pointing out their shortcomings like what the man from Korea just did. Let alone about something that no one had any clue about like you pointing at the calm sea and saying a tsunami was about to arise in the blink of an eye. It sounded nothing more than a tasteless joke.

Kim Rok Soo removed the translation equipment and straightened his back from his slouching to one side posture. One knee crossed over the other, he looked around like he was scanning over every individual with an empty gaze, but it made them unconsciously sit up properly before his voice, which sounded like a classical melody in the library, went through their ears. He spoke in a language that most of them could understand.

     - I do not think we have more time for this unnecessary flowery speech of mine, so let's go to the point anyway. You may hear a lot of compliments and admiration, but ignoring the limitations that you accidentally or intentionally overlooked can gradually drill a hole in your pride. The precautions are very effective and strict outside, but is that enough for confidence in safety inside? What makes you so confident that those monsters will not emerge from the ground?

     - It never happened before! And are you even aware that, by saying it, you are leaving a disrespectful comment about our pride, which is the Frore Mountains that have protected us all this time?

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