Chapter 10

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• Disclaimer: 백작가의 망나니가 되었다 - 유려한 | Lout of Count's Family | Trash of the Count's Family does not belong to me but Yulyeohan. This is fanfiction.
• English is not my native language.
• Please do not repost my work and the artwork, you can find them on my X/ IG/ Ao3 or Wattpad under the account J_K_Klara



     - Thank you, Noona.

Kim Rok Soo didn't look up, as he was focused on the book in his hands. His eyes quickly scanned the pages while his hand reached for the cup of coffee that Joo Yerim had just put on the table. That was how he missed the amused look of the woman who was watching the serious facial expression of Kim Rok Soo with a stack of books about Child psychology and How to raise a child.

At first, they thought he simply researched the relevant information because of his responsibility for the new position. And given Kim Rok Soo's meticulous and responsible attitude, this was not surprising. But gradually, the information changed to those mentioned books. Joo Yerim shook her head at the shaking eyes of Kim Min Ah when she heard Kim Rok Soo ask if she knew what was needed for a child.

Thanks to Kim-question-shortening-expert Rok Soo, there were many not-knowing-whether-to-laugh or cry moments around him. Before the rumors like ''Team Leader Kim and his secret child'' spread out or the question if Kim Rok Soo was feeling hurt after being pushed out the door by them frankly led to his actions after that, his straight expression with the simple explanation.

"We can't simply provide money to orphanages. That is really impolite and irresponsible. I'm planning to visit them, so I just wonder what I can bring them."

     - Haa.

Speaking of the devil, Kim Min Ah opened the door with a sigh, which successfully gained attention from all at the office. Bae Puh Rum followed behind as he closed the door, letting the noise in the corridor stay outside.

But they still heard the voice of Director Ma, unmistakably.

     - Our beloved Director appears to be lively in the morning.

     - Isn't it because of the little sweet brat over there?

     - I don't know what you are talking about, Noona.

     - Team Leader, you...

Kim Min Ah took a deep breath, but words stuck in her throat as the reddish eyes blinked at her.

     - Haa, did you take a proper rest?

Kim Min Ah couldn't help. She swore it wasn't because of his innocent look.

It was not like they disagreed or were unsatisfied with him; they chose the Leader to follow after all. But she worried that those superiors wouldn't let him be.

Anyhow, they all tacitly agreed that the noise out there was not that annoying.

     - I did. Am I not that reliable?

     - No. However, we are selective in our trust.

     - Huhh.

Kim Rok Soo declined to say anything about that topic, which was confirmed by the nods around him. He put the book aside, then continued to check on a new stack of documents placed on his desk while nearly lying on the chair. Perhaps he ought to take over another night shift to have more free time this weekend?

     - How long are you going to use that old excuse? Even my toe knows that paperwork is nothing that takes that much of your time.

     - Stop peeking at my thoughts, Omid.

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