Chapter 38

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Seulgi's POV

Before I could meet up with Jimin, I immediately went to the mall to bond with my friends for a while.

"So you've decided to forgive him already?", Seungwan asked me.
"Yeah.", I said.
"Are you really sure about your decision? There's still time to back out, Seul.", she told me.
"Yes, I'm already sure about my decision! You know.. him, donating blood to my mom was one of the biggest reasons why I should definitely forgive him! He's keeping his promises, which is to fix his wrongdoings!", I said.
"Yeah! I can also tell that he's abiding by his promise!", Joohyun unnie said.
"Alright then! I just hope he'll no longer hurt you.", Seungwan said.
"And besides.. would you allow the fact that you'll just easily throw away everything you both had, unnie?", Sooyoung told me.
"I won't! I already reunited with my childhood friend in the worst possible way, and now that we're together again, aside from using this opportunity to rebuild what we had, I'm never going to lose him again!", I said.

The moment I checked the time on my phone, I immediately realized that I'm about to be late. It's already 4:50 pm, and I need to be there before 5! I thought to myself.

"Are you ok?", Joohyun unnie worriedly asked me.
"I have to go now! I need to be at our meet up place at 5 pm sharp!", I said.
"Well! I guess we'll just see you tomorrow!", Seungwan said.
"Good luck, unnie!", Yerim told me.
"Hoping that the outcome will be good!", Sooyoung said.
"Thank you guys!", I said.
"Good luck Seul! We trust you!", Seungwan told me as I left the restaurant.

I immediately left the mall as I ran straight to the park. I can't make him wait for too long! I thought to myself as I continued to look for Jimin, but failed because I couldn't find his silhouette everywhere. Where the hell is he? I thought to myself as I couldn't help but panic, 'til I arrived at the bench area on where only a few people pass by. He must be here! I thought to myself as I saw Jimin, seated on a bench. Here goes nothing! I thought to myself as I immediately ran straight to him.

"Jimin!", I said as he stood up when I approached him.
"Seulgi...", he said as he pulled me close in his arms.

The moment he pulled me close in his arms, I didn't hug him back, because if I did then I might never let him go again! I miss his warmth! I thought to myself as I just let the tears fall from my eyes, inhaled his familiar scent and rested my head on his chest when I felt him, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting..", I said.
"It's ok! Come on.. let's go somewhere private so we could sort things out..", he told me.

He gently held my hand as we went somewhere quiet and where only a few people pass by in the bench area. I sat on the bench as he knelt down infront of me with tears falling from his eyes.


Jimin's POV

"Jimin!", a familiar voice said as I stood up when Seulgi approached me.
"Seulgi...", I said as I pulled her close in my arms.

This is the only thing I need right now! To hug her tightly in my arms and to never let go of her ever again! I thought to myself as a tear fell from my eye after I planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting..", she said.
"It's ok! Come on.. let's go somewhere private so we could sort things out..", I told her.

I immediately held her hand and kept it warm inside my pocket as we went somewhere quiet and where only a few people pass by in the bench area. This will be the only time that I'll kneel down and beg for forgiveness, because I don't want to repeat the same mistake, and if I did, then there's no way that she'll give me another chance, and I don't want to take advantage of her kindness! I thought to myself when I knelt down infront of her and I held her hands.

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