Chapter 26

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Seungwan's POV

After my first half of my schedule ended, I immediately left my clinic to immediately proceed to the doctors' lounge for our lunch break. Moments later, I was immediately greeted by my friends the moment I arrived at the reception area.

"Hey guys!", I said.
"Someone looks so in-love right now!", Sooyoung said in a teasing tone.
"So.. dare to tell us what happened?", Joohyun unnie said.
"Well.. I already said yes!", I said as their eyes widened in shock and excitement.
"Wait! Does that mean—", Joohyun unnie said as I immediately cut her off.
"Yes! Yoongi's now my boyfriend!", I said as they all squealed in excitement.
"See? I told you the outcome of your date will be him, proposing to you to be his girlfriend!", Sooyoung said.
"Unnie, I hope you're ok with this!", I told Joohyun unnie.
"What? Of course I'm ok with that! As long as he won't do something that can make you cry, we're good, or else, his coffin is already prepared!", she said in a joking manner at the end.
"Of course! I can confidently say that he'll never hurt me!", I said.
"I knew it! 'Cause since then, I can see chemistry from you both!", Joohyun unnie said in a teasing tone.
"Oh, stop it unnie! What about you? You've had feelings for Taehyung since your first encounter with him!", I told her.
"So what about it?", she said.
"Nothing, I was just saying! But anyways.. is Taeyeon unnie supportive in your relationship with Taehyung?", I asked her.
"Yeah! I'm already close to Taeyeon unnie way back when I temporarily stayed over at their place, but when she found out that her brother is already my boyfriend, we became even closer!", she said.
"Ooohh!! Looks like you're the only sister-in-law that Taeyeon unnie will accept!", Sooyoung said in a teasing tone.
"Oh stop it! Jokes aside, I think we need to go and eat lunch now, 'cause I'm starving already!", Joohyun unnie told us.
"Yeah! Same here!", I said.

As we went in the doctors' lounge, we immediately started eating lunch together.


Jimin's POV

After I left my clinic, I immediately took a short visit in Seulgi's hospital room to check up on her before I could officially proceed to the doctors' lounge for my lunch break. My aunt was the one, looking after Seulgi while we're gone for a while, and then moments later, the doctor visited us for a while to have a word with us about Seulgi's current health status.

"As of now, her vitals are continuously improving and her lung function is already functioning normally, but we suggest that she should still wear the nasal cannula for 2 more days after she wakes up.", he told us.
"Doc, when will she wake up?", I asked the doctor.
"As of now, we can't tell when she'll actually wake up but.. whenever some doctors and nurses that are assigned to her, come to check her up, they would sometimes notice that her fingers would continuously move by itself but when they continue to check her up, she's not fully awake.", he said.
"Does that mean she'll wake up soon?", I asked.
"Yes in some cases, because it's normal for comatosed patients to subconsciously move but they aren't really awake, so I suggest that you guys should keep an eye on her always because she can wake up anytime soon, and if she's finally awake, you have to tell it to us immediately and you also have to inform Dr. Kang about it!", he said.
"Alright! Thank you Doc!", I said.
"You're welcome, Dr. Park!", he said as he left.

After the doctor left, I immediately approached her as I caressed the side of her head. Please be strong for me! I thought to myself as I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Moments later, my mom, along with Seulgi's mom, finally arrived inside.

"Hi mom! Hi auntie!", I said as I hugged my mom and greeted Seulgi's mom.
"How are you? Is there any update about Seulgi?", she asked me.
"I'm fine, and yes, there's an update about Seulgi's current health status. Her vitals are continuously improving, especially her lung function, but according to the doctor, they would always notice her fingers, subconsciously moving but she isn't awake, so that's a sign that she's about to wake up soon, so we need to keep an eye on her always!", I told them.
"Thank goodness!", her mom said as my mom placed her arms around her shoulders for comfort.
"I'll do everything I can to make sure that the moment she wakes up, I'll help her with her medications and the therapy session for her arm.", my mom said.
"Thanks mom!", I told her.
"You're welcome! Are you about to take your lunch break at the doctors' lounge right now? You need to go now! I don't want to keep you for too long and for you to starve!", she told me.
"Don't worry Jimin! I'll take care and look after her!", my aunt told me.
"Thanks auntie!", I said as I grabbed my things with me and left the room.

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