Chapter 22

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Jimin's POV

I immediately grabbed my bag for work with me as I hopped in inside my car, buckled my seatbelt as I started driving away from home so I could go to Seulgi's house and have a talk with her mom. A few minutes later, I finally reached her house. The moment I reached their doorstep, I immediately pressed the doorbell as the door immediately opened in just 5 seconds, revealing her mom.

"Hi Jimin!", she said.
"Hi, Mrs. Kang! Sorry if I arrived too early!", I said.
"Oh, no worries because you just arrived at the right time! Come inside!", she told me as I came inside their house.
"Have you been in here already?", she asked me.
"Yeah! Seulgi took me here once.", I said.
"I see! Follow me!", she told me.

She took me upstairs as we went inside Seulgi's bedroom. The moment I came inside, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of her lavender-colored bedroom, especially her desk, since it has pictures and even polaroids of her family, and even the two of us when we were kids.

"This is my first time coming inside her room.", I said.
"Really?", she said.
"Yeah! Did she really not remove our pictures or even polaroids together even if many years have passed already?", I asked her.
"Yeah, because that's how much she cherishes you and the memories you made together back when you were still kids! You know, I would always remind her to just remove the pictures, but she would always insist, because it's one of the most precious memories that she cherishes the most.", she said.

Even if many years have passed already, she still continued to cherishs our memories, even the smallest ones together, even jf years have also passed since I left and even if I reunited with her in the worst possible way! I thought to myself as I couldn't help but shed a tear.

"She should've just removed it, because.. I feel like she's tired of waiting for me and tired of enduring all undeserving the pain I've caused her!", I said.
"Jimin, don't say that! I'm sure she'll forgive you in the right time when she's ready and when she's ok already!", she told me with reassurance.
"I'm sorry for hurting your daughter, Mrs. Kang! I know that apologizing to you isn't enough but.. if you want your daughter and I to just truly break contact, it's ok! I'll just accept it as my punishment!", I said.
"Jimin.. I know how you love my daughter so much, and I know how much you also cherish the memories you made together, so I'm not just gonna force the both of you to forget each other and to just break contact. I still don't trust you around my daughter and I'm still not ready to forgive you but.. I want to thank you for the little acts of kindness that you still managed to show her even if you both aren't in good terms back then!", she told me.
"Thanks, Mrs. Kang!", I said.
"Oh, just drop the formalities! Just call me 'auntie', like how you used to call me back then!", she said.
"Oh.. uhh.. sure auntie!", I said.
"That's good to hear! I think we should go to the hospital now! I don't want you to be late!", she told me.
"Uhh.. sure..", I said.
"Is it ok with you if I can ride in your car?", she asked me.
"Yes it's fine, auntie!", I said.

Auntie and I immediately hopped in inside my car, buckled our seatbelts as I immediately drove away from their home to go to the hospital immediately.


Author's POV

The moment Seulgi's mom and Jimin arrived at the hospital, Seulgi's mom immediately went straight to work, while Jimin went inside Seulgi's hospital room after visiting the reception area.

"Hi auntie!", he told his aunt.
"Hi!", his aunt said.
"I hope it'll be ok for you to take care and look after Seulgi during weekdays, and I apologize because most of our friends are not free during their work, and we will only be able to look after her after our schedules are over!", Jimin said.
"Oh, it's ok, Jimin! I'll take care of her, so you don't need to worry, and I'll just tell you if there are any updates about her current health status.", his aunt told him.
"Alright! By the way, how's her health status? Did the doctor come inside to check on her?", he asked.
"Well, your mom came inside since she's assigned to look after her and to check her vital signs.", she said.
"I see!", Jimin said.
"I hope you'll also find time to check up on her if your mom won't be available!", she told him.
"Of course, auntie! By the way, I need to go now!", Jimin said.
"Alright! I'll see you when I see you..", his aunt told him as he walked out.

It Was You [SEULMIN]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora