Chapter 14

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???'s POV

"So what happened? Did you do it?!", I asked my henchman the moment he entered.
"I failed! A security guard immediately came in the scene, along with Jimin's good for nothing friend!", he said.
"Ugh! Why did you fail?!", I said.
"Sir, I almost killed her but then the security guard and Jimin's friend stepped in the scene!", he said.
"Whoever finds out my secret, I'll make sure that they'll never make it out alive! Where's Jisoo!?", I said
"She's currently working!", he said.
"Goddamit!", I said as I gritted my teeth in anger.

You all may be luck that you're still alive, but I'll make sure to quickly pull you all to hell with me! I thought to myself as I couldn't help but clench my fists in anger.


Seulgi's POV

I was about to leave the reception area when Dr. Kim, the medical director, approached me.

"Dr Kim, Good morning!", I said as I bowed.
"Good morning Dr. Kang! May I have a word with you?", he said.
"Uhh.. yeah! Sure!", I said.
"I just want to ask you about Dr. Kim.", he said.
"Oh! Uhh.. Jisoo? What about her?", I asked.
"I just want to know if Dr. Kim is disrespecting and bullying you, because a lot of doctors from different departments and even nurses would frequently report to me that they would always see her, hurting, bullying and disrespecting you. Is it true?", he asked me.
"Umm.. Dr. Kim, you see—", I said as I struggled to explain but he immediately reassured me that it's ok.
"Dr. Kang, it's ok! If she hurts you again, she needs to face her consequences as soon as possible!", he told me.
"Umm.. yes Dr. Kim! It's true that she's hurting me! You see—", I said.

We were just talking and I was just about to tell and report to him about what Jisoo has been doing to me when Jisoo suddenly came, enraged, and grabbed me by the hair from behind.

"How dare you, you bitch! You're already flirting with multiple men and now you're lying to Dr. Kim, telling him that I'm disrespecting you even if it's not really true! You're such a—", she said when Dr. Kim suddenly stepped in and pushed her away.
"Dr. Kim, stop! You're being hostile and very disrespectful right now!", Dr. Kim said.
"Dr. Kim, why would you even hire a low-life, miserable, and a fatherless bitch like her?!", Jisoo said.
"Jisoo stop! If you can't show respect to Seulgi, then atleast try to show some respect for the medical director!", Joohyun unnie said as she came to my aid.
"Dr. Kim, in my office, NOW!", Dr. Kim told Jisoo in a stern voice.

Jisoo turned to look at me for the last time with a glare as she immediately followed Dr. Kim to his office. Whatever punishment Dr. Kim will give her, I just hope she'll wholeheartedly accept it! I thought to myself.

"Are you ok?", Joohyun unnie worriedly asked me.
"Yeah! I'm fine!", I told her with reassurance.
"That girl needs to experience and receive her karma ASAP!", she said.


Jisoo's POV

"Dr. Kim, please promise me that this won't happen ever again!", the medical director, Dr. Kim told me.
"Yes Doc!", I said as I looked down.
"Alright! You may now go. I don't want to keep you here for too long because of your work!", he said.
"Thank you doc!", I said as I bowed and left his office.

Promise my ass! I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes in disgust! As if I'll follow his orders! I thought to myself as I took out my phone and dialed his number.

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