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"I used to think I was smart, but you made me look so naive, the way you sold me for parts"

Sabrina's Pov

Me and Finnick sat in the seats in Katniss's hospital room.  The doctor took off the neck brace she wore due to Peeta not being himself.
As the brace was removed the bruises all over her neck, strangulation marks.
"Now can you try to say, "My name is Katniss Everdeen, I am from district 12.""
The doctor told her.
"M-my n-name is K-Katniss Everdeen, c-can I see him?"
Katniss asked Haymitch, who stood next to us.
"We can't trust him alone with you. If someone else were to you could see from the observation room but-"
Haymitch explained until I cut him off.
"Let me.  I was there in the capital, if anything I understand how he feels to a certain point."
I told them.  Finnick grabbed my hand self consciously.
"No, I'm not letting you go in there."
Finnick told me placing my hand on his chest.
"Wait, Finnick.  She might be on to something. Just don't get too close."
Haymitch told Finnick then me.
"T-thank you."
Katniss barely spoke above a whisper.

We walked to the observation room as two guards took me inside the two way mirror room.  I walked into the room where Peeta was being held down by restraints around his arms, wrists, and ankles.  Sympathy glossed over my eyes as Peeta turned to look at me.
I asked him gently walking towards him.
"Sabrina. Run. They aren't here to help us! Katniss she's not a hero she encourages these wars! And so does Finnick! Get away as soon as possible!"
Peeta panicked. 
"Calm down Peeta, It's okay, they aren't here."
I told him sitting at the side of his bed.
"They aren't here to help us, but to use us."
Peeta whispered.
"No Peeta, that was the Capital.  Peeta these people want to help you.  They helped me."
I told Peeta, his entire expression changed to anger.
"No! They want to use us! Stay away from them!  Katniss and Finnick! They just want to hurt us! They're mutts!  It's not them!"
Peeta yelled at me as he started thrashing violently. I jumped away from him at his sudden loud tone.  I stood there shaking my head.  How could they do this to him.  He was such a sweet boy,  he did everything he could to save Katniss during the games and now he's calling her a mutt.
"That's not true Peeta, please believe me."
I whispered to him to hopefully calm him back down.  Peeta looked up at me like I was some culprit caught red handed.
"They sent you in here didn't they?! You didn't care about me! You came because they told you to! She's out there isn't she?!"
Peeta screamed at me while pointing to the two way mirror.  Just then guards came in and grabbed me by my arms.
"Stay away from them Sabrina! Don't trust Katniss or Finnick! They're mutts!"
Peeta yelled after me as I was pulled out of the room. 

The guards continued to drag me until we got to the room with Katniss, Haymitch, Heavensbee, and Finnick.
The guards continued to hold onto my arms.  I tried to struggle against them,  their grip tightened.  Red signals flashed all over my brain, reminding me of every time the peacekeepers would drag me into President Snow's office.  Or when I was held captive there.  My eyes flashed panic as they were still holding me tightly like I was a criminal.
"Hey! Let. Her. Go."
Finnick growled at the guards as they finally let me go.  I fell to my knees hyperventilating from the ptsd and my conversation with Peeta. 
Finnick ran and picked me up from the ground.  I felt like I couldn't even keep my balance as I fell into his chest.  My mind was running faster than I could comprehend.  Finnick cradled me on the ground holding me against his chest so I could hear his heartbeat.
"It's okay I've got you baby."
Finnick whispered into my hair, kissing my head. Memories came flooding back of time Finnick had held me just like this. After my first Hunger Games, when Snow killed my parents, when Snow had forced me to be in his pleasures and fantasies program, when I had nightmares, when Snow sold me to the capital citizens, when we got put back into the Hunger Games, when he saved me from the poison fog, he was there for all of it. The rhythm of his heartbeat was able to calm down my breathing. As I thought back on all of those moments, one thing was connected in all of them, Coriolanus Snow.  My breath hitched as I even bared the thought of the name. 
"It's okay, I'm here, I'm not leaving you."
Finnick soothed.  He ran his fingers through my hair with one hand while the other picked up my other hand, he put his hand against mine and played with the engagement ring on my finger. 
"We're free, he has no more control over us anymore."
Finnick told me, almost like he had read my mind, kissing my temple.

"Snow can't hurt you anymore, either of you."
Heavensbee spoke up from the silence. 
"You say that, but I can still see him! Every time I close my eyes, he is there.  Taunting me.  He never left! No matter how hard I try to forget. I was 15! 15!  Don't you think I was just a little too young to be taken away- no for my family to be taken away from me! For him to go around and sell me! To grown men!  I was 15 when I saw my parents killed right in front of me by peacekeepers.  I was 15 when I had to be a mother to my little sister, who was 9! I lost my virginity to a 50 year old man when I was 15 years old!  So don't say he can't hurt me anymore because he is still haunting me! I was just trying to survive in the games and then in the capital!"
I yelled at Heavensbee grabbing him by his collar as I felt a sharp pain in my neck, and everything went black.  The last thing I heard was Finnick yelling.

Finnick's Pov

"Hey! She didn't do anything!"
I yelled at the guard that had stuck sedating shot into her neck. I held her in my arms as doctors came to bring her into a hospital room.
"She was a threat."
The guard stated pushing me back. I was about to punch the guy but Haymitch held me back.

I sat in the chair next to her bed.  Just like I did when she came back from the capital.  I kept letting her get hurt.  How could I take care of kids if I couldn't even take care of her.  I let a tear fall down my face.  All I have ever wanted was just keep her safe and someday have a family together, but how could I trust myself with kids?  I moved a piece of hair out of her face, God she was beautiful.  She deserves so much better than me yet she said yes.

I heard Katniss ask behind me.  I turned around to see her standing at the door. 
"Can I come in?"
She asked me, I nodded at her as she walked in.  She sat down in the seat next to me.
"Was all she said true?"
Katniss asked me. I nodded at her, not taking my eyes off of Sabrina.
"But she never-"
Katniss started but i cut her off.
"I know. Ever wonder why she shut down when you called her 'capital princess'?"
I told Katniss, still bitter at the memory. Katniss looked confused at me at first then a look of guilt washed over her face.
"Oh... I didn't know."
Katniss whispered.
"That's what Sabrina said. She's been... used since her games. That's what happens when a victor is deemed 'attractive' to the capital citizens. Snow sells them. If they say no, he kills someone you love. He killed my family when I said no, when I was 14 then he threatened to kill her, so I said yes to every 'client' he gave me. He killed both of her parents because she said no. Then he threatened August, her sister. It pained me to see her go through the same pain I had to go through. Even worse, seeing her miserable at Snow's ridiculous parties with 30-50 year old guys as a 15 year old girl. Seeing her there and knowing I could do nothing about it."
I told Katniss, she looked at me with sympathy written all over her face.
"Finnick, I'm so sorry."
Katniss told me, her eyes wandered up to Sabrina.
"When did you two... find out you loved each other?"
Katniss asked me. I smiled at the memory.
"We were 17, we both always loved each other, but we never told each other till one day, we were sitting by the beach in district 4 and I just wanted to get the weight off my chest so I just told her.  God, I still remember that smile she gave me. I was so sure she would never talk to me again, that I was ruining our friendship.  But instead she kissed me.  I told her everything I felt and she did too.  We were so excited to finally be with somebody we loved, each other.  That was until we were called back to the capital and forced to act like there was nothing going on.  I was forced to go into a different woman's room every night while she had to do the same thing for men.  It was hard but I love her."
I told Katniss.  She nodded her head with every word I said.
"Johanna's right."
Katniss mumbled to herself.
I laughed.
"I asked her about you guys during the quarter quell, she just said that love's weird."
Katniss laughed weakly.
My eyes shifted quickly to Sabrina as I saw her start to thrash around.  I quickly stood up.
"Hey, hey it's okay. You're okay."
I whispered to her, rubbing my hand up and down her arm soothingly.  I saw her eyes flicker open.
"Hello gorgeous."
I whispered down to her.
"Hey baby."
She laughed at me. Her beautiful laugh, her eyes, hair, body, her striking personality, everything about her made me love her more. Katniss excused herself after saying her apologies to Sabrina. Sabrina sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck as she kissed all around my face.

"I'm so sorry about everything lately Sabrina. I promise I will be better for our kids."
I cried to her nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck.
"Don't be Finnick, all you have done is just love me and I never want you to change. You are still the Finnick Odair I fell in love with and the same Finnick Odair I want to raise my kids with."
She whispered to me running her fingers through my hair. God I have never loved anyone more.

Word Count: 1897

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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