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"In a world of boys, he a gentleman"

Sabrina's Pov

"Tomorrow's training day! Time to make good impressions!"
Trina told Finnick and I, overly excited for us.
"Yes ma'am!"
I told her sarcastically, Finnick stifled a laugh that he tried to hide. Trina looked frustrated and left. Mags came up to us as we were both sitting on the couch in our apartment and hugged us both tightly. She went to her room for the night and it was just me and Finnick.

"So are you going to be with Katniss tomorrow since you already won her over?"
Finnick laughed making fun of me. I nudged him in the side.
"Hey! It's not my fault I'm more likable!"
I joked back at him.
"Shut up, so are you?"
He laughed.
"I guess so in the meantime you need to win over Peeta. And I'll also probably be with Johanna some."
I told him as he nodded at my reply.
"Okay sweetheart, your wish is my command."
He winked at me.
"You are ridiculous."
I smiled at him, getting up to go to my room. I turned back when I got to the door and saw him still at the couch.
"You coming or not?"
I asked him, Finnick had a way of calming me down when I was stressed and now seemed reasonable to be stressed.
"You know I am, gorgeous."
Finnick winked at me.
"Finnick Odair. Not like that!"
I scolded him, not that I would complain but we both wanted to wait for each other, now being two of Snow's 'favorites' of course we've given the pleasure to our 'clients' but we wanted to wait till maybe if the rebellion wins and the hunger games are over for each other. I didn't want to bring kids into this world of pain and suffering.

We were both lying on my bed under the covers, my head on Finnick's chest as he played with my hair. I could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat, my favorite song.
"I love you."
He said suddenly.
"I love you more."
I said back looking up at him. He smiled down at me.
"You know it's only you right?"
Finnick asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion of his question.
I asked him, I scooted up to sit next to him.
"I mean there is no one else I could ever love. It's only you. It's always only been you. When I got reaped the first time and I thought I would never see you again, something changed. That's when I first realized I loved you and I was going to tell you as soon at I got home but then Snow- you know. And then you got reaped and I couldn't live with myself. I thought I lost you. And the Snow did it to you and-"
Finnick told me as tears brimmed his eyes. I brought my hand up to cup his face.
"I know. I know. I've always loved you Finnick. From the day I met you I was in love. And then that day we were on the beach and you told me that you loved me, I've never been happier."
I told him as a tear slipped down his face. I wiped it away and kissed his lips softly.
"I'm gonna marry you when we got out of here. And we can run away together and start a family, you would be the best mom, Sabrina."
Finnick told me against my lips.
"And you would be the best father. Finnick. We need to survive this."
I told him, this time a tear fell down my face. Finnick wiped it away and kissed me again.
"We will. I promise you Sabrina we will."
Finnick told me kissing my head goodnight.
"Goodnight loverboy."
"Goodnight sugarcube."
I giggled quietly at his nickname for me as I drifted off to sleep.

I jolted awake at loud knocks from my door.
"Get up! Training day! Lance left your training outfit in your closet!"
I heard Trina yell from the outside of my door.
"Okay! I'm up!"
I yelled back as I heard her heels click away from the door.

"Finnick, Finnick wake up."
I shook him.
"Five more minutes!"
He groaned. He pulled my waist down to lay back down with him.
"Finnick you need to get up."
I told him trying to get out of his grip but eventually gave up.
"Mhm shhh sweetheart."
He mumbled. I could practically hear his smile on his lips.
"Come on! If you get up now you might get cuddles later."
I told him as he jumped up.
"Oh look he's awake."
I said sarcastically.
"Anything for cuddles from my girl."
Finnick kissed my lips and left to his room. I changed into what Lance gave me.

  I changed into what Lance gave me

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"You ready?"
I asked Finnick, who was already changed.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
He told me pecking my lips.
"Good luck you two!"
Trina told us and Mags gave us two thumbs up.

Me and Finnick entered the training center, we had gotten there early so only district 1 and 2 were there plus Johanna and her partner.
"Hey lovebirds."
Johanna greeted spinning her axe in her hands.
"Johanna! The gamemakers are right there."
Finnick scolded.
"Relax Romeo.  They don't care about any of us or what we talk about. They care about what weapons to put in the cornucopia."
Johanna told him exhaustedly.  I rolled my eyes.
"Johanna it's different when it's people like us three and you know that."
I told her glancing up at them making eye contact with Plutarch Heavensbee, who pointed to his ears signaling us to shut up, he could hear us.
"Okay now you relax Juliet-"
Johanna started.
"Johanna! They can hear us."
I whispered to her cutting her off, pointing slyly to Heavensbee.
"Fine. I still say go for it."
Johanna whispered.
"Juliet, get your knives, we're going to the simulation."
Johanna told me already walking over. 
"Bye Romeo."
Johanna patting Finnick like a puppy.
I went over to the knives and utility belts, I put one on and stuck several little knives in it and one large one on each side of my waist.  I walked over to Johanna.
"So easy, medium, or hard."
Johanna asked as I came over.
"Let's show off shall we?"
I told her picking the hard option.
We walked into the simulator as simulations of people running at us from all directions appeared. Me and Johanna went back to back and started throwing our weapons as each simulation burst into blocks. 
We finished the simulation as the lights came back on, Johanna turned to me to hug me.
"You still got it."
Johanna complimented with a bow.
"As do you."
I bowed back at her.  We looked out the windows to see almost all the tributes staring at us, among them I saw Katniss and Peeta.  Me and Johanna walked out as everyone made way and went back to their stations.  I looked over to see Katniss with Beetee and Wiress.
I half yelled to her walking over to her.
All three looked up to me.  Wiress jumped up and ran to hug me. I hugged her back and walked over to where they all were.
Katniss greeted.
"So you're archery right?"
I asked her.
She told me holding her bow and arrows.
"Show me your stuff."
I told her.  She walked over to the simulator that me and Johanna were just in.  She picked the hard option and stepped in.  Beetee and Wiress came by my side to watch her.
So the rumors are true.  She was professional, I'll give her that. She got every single one by herself.
"Guess we got shown up, Juliet."
Johanna spoke behind me, startling me slightly.
"Yeah I guess so."
I spoke, my words wandering off.

The training ended as did our private evaluations. 
"So did you earn Peeta's trust?"
I asked Finnick as we were waiting for the elevator.
"Yeah, he's the easy one, although I think he has a crush on you, but how couldn't he?"
Finnick flirted, leaning closer to me.  I kissed his nose and pushed him back.
"Finnick he's engaged."
I scolded him.
"Is he? I mean I do have to give it to them, they have everyone fooled."
Finnick said folding his arms to his chest.
"You really think they're faking it?"
I asked him.
"Well I know what real love looks like, that's all I'm saying."
Finnick answered once again leaning close to me.  I leaned in to, to where our noses were touching and then the elevator door opened. We both turned to see Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch.
We both walked in, I could practically hear Haymitch smirking at us getting caught.
"Please don't take off your clothes."
Katniss spoke suddenly.
Me and Finnick both questioned. As Haymitch lost it and was laughing like a maniac.
"Sorry, just Johanna did, yesterday."
Katniss explained.
"Of course she did."
I sighed putting my forehead on Finnick's shoulder.
"Ignore Johanna, she means well."
Finnick explained laughing.  The elevator dinged at our level.
We both said our goodbyes and as the doors shut we both started laughing.

Word Count: 1534

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