making the bed

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"They tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction"

Sabrina's Pov

Today was our last day in the capital before the games. Today was interviews, our last chance to get sponsors.
"Okay! Today is a very important day!"
Trina celebrated to Finnick and I while we were eating breakfast before getting sent to our stylists.
"Yeah win over the sponsors and say our goodbyes, so much fun."
I spoke sarcastically to myself but loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Look, I'm sorry that this happened but if you win over your sponsors you have a very possible chance of survival."
Trina smoothed taking my hand in hers.
"I'm sorry Trina, just stressed."
I told her poking at my food.
"Sabrina you should eat."
Finnick told me rubbing my back.
"No, I won't get sponsors if I'm fat."
I said pushing my plate away. Ever since 15 I've been told that if I eat I'll get fat and no one wants a fat girl.
"I'm going to go to Lance to get ready."
I told everyone standing up and leaving the apartment.
Finnick spoke walking after me. I left and closed the door as he ran after me.
"Sabrina please."
Finnick begged grabbing my wrist and pulling me to his chest.
"What Finnick?"
I asked him, not letting him see my tear stained face.
"You are perfect. There is nothing wrong with you. I don't care what the stupid capital says."
Finnick told me bringing my face up to look at him. He brushed his thumb against my cheek.
"I love you."
I pecked his lips and went back on my way. As he went to his stylist I could hear him sigh.

"Is that my muse? My masterpiece! My Victor! Sabrina darling come in!"
Lance exclamed, pulling me into a hug. 
"Are you okay darling?"
He asked me holding me by my arms.
"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Why wouldn't I be?"
I lied.
"Okay well I know that's a lie. But I can tell you don't want to talk about it so we'll just get started on your makeup."
Lance told me as the makeup artists sat me down at the makeup station.
They put the blue streaks back into my hair which was pulled back into a loose braided bun with strands of blonde framing my face. The eyeshadow was different shades of blues that made a cateye and glitter under my eyes and my signature red lips again. The makeup they game me resembled a mermaid, a district 4 legend. I took in my appearance till they turned me away from the mirror to face Lance with my dress. It was gorgeous, something that I felt that I could actually feel pretty in.

It resembled a mermaid, it was still revealing but at least it was an actual dress

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It resembled a mermaid, it was still revealing but at least it was an actual dress.
"Lance it's... it's gorgeous."
I told him. Once I had put it on.
"Anything for my victor."
Lance told me, kissing my cheek.
"Oh looks like we have a visitor."
Lance said looking up behind me. He turned me around slowly to see it was Finnick. He had the goofiest smile on his face. His dimples were my favorite. That's how I knew he was truly happy.
"I- you look... breathtaking."
Finnick told me stepping closer to me.
"Thank you."
Both me and Lance said. I turned back to look at him.
"Sorry, I'll leave you two alone."
Lance said snapping at his artists to pack up and leave.
"You do look gorgeous Sabrina."
Finnick whispered in my ear as they were leaving.
"I would kiss you but I don't think you want red lips."
I flirted. Finnick grabbed my waist pulling me in.
"It's worth it."
Finnick whispered in my ear again even though it was just us. His breath against my neck sent shivers down my spine.
We were about to kiss when Trina barged in.
"Finnick! Sabrina! You're up next."
She told us pushing us backstage at the entrance.

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