invisible string

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"One single thread of gold tied me to you"

Sabrina's Pov

I woke up to the feeling of my wrists being free, I tired to move but the pain of the marks the capital made on me hurt too much. I looked at my arms, they were black and blue, I couldn't find one spot that didn't have a bruise. I looked down at my legs, they matched my arms as did my waist. I tried to touch the biggest bruise which was on my side but it was so painful I whimpered as I tried to touch it.

A guy came over to me as I backed into a wall.
"I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Gale, I'm Katniss's friend. We saved you from the capital."
Gale told me.
"What's your name?"
Gale asked me.
"Sabrina... Sabrina Bailey."
I told him hesitantly.
"Oh you're Sabrina, Finnick's girl, right?"
Gale smirked.
"Finnick? Is he safe? Please tell me he's okay."
I begged. He smiled at me.
"He's not been talking much but once we told him that we were going to rescue you and the others he wanted to come but we wouldn't let him."
Gale laughed, I laughed with but it hurt too much.

"Can I see Johanna?"
I asked him. He nodded his head leading me to Johanna's compartment then leaving to the pilot's side.
I cried. She turned to look at me as tears brimmed her eyes. All her hair was gone yet Johanna still looked so confident.
Johanna trailed off her words taking in my bruised up appearance.
"It's okay.."
I whimpered. I tried to touch my waist but it hurt too much to touch. Johanna opened her arms up to me. I stepped into her embrace. She softly hugged me, trying not to hurt me.

I felt the jet land. Gale came back to where we were and took me back to my compartment. They put the three of us all on stretchers and took us to the hospital wing of district 13. They put me and Johanna into the same room but separated us from Peeta. The doctors all came to tend to our needs. I had three all around me, they stuck needles in me and took my heart rate and blood pressure. I cringed every time someone would touch me in the slightest. I don't know if it was from the pain or trauma. I felt like screaming it hurt so bad, just laying there.

Finnick's Pov

Katniss, I, Haymitch, Havensbee, and President Coin were all in the conference room discussing what Snow's plan was exactly. And how we would beat him to the punch.
"Hey guys?"
We heard a voice speak from the door, Gale.
Haymitch stood up.
"They're here."
Gale told us. With that I ran as fast as my legs could possibly take me to the hospital wing. Haymitch and Katniss right behind me. That's when I saw her. My heart broke into a million little pieces when I saw the bruises on her face and arms. Tears pricked at my eyes. How could anyone do this to her. The most perfect person. How could you look at that face and hurt her. Katniss came next to me. She followed my eyes to her. She placed her hand over her mouth. Then placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Go get your girl."
She whispered to me.

Sabrina's Pov

I looked up from the doctors to see Finnick. My heart exploded into a thousand butterflies to see him. I didn't care about the pain anymore. I ripped the needles out of my arms as the doctors yelled at me to stop. I couldn't think about that right now only him.
I yelled for him, the biggest smile across my face. I ran to him as he picked me up and spun me around. He placed a gentle but lustful kiss on my lips. Nothing mattered anymore, just him. It was just me and him, no one else. He broke the kiss for air he was about to kiss me against as we back up against a wall until sadly reality came back and the pain jolted through my entire body. I tried to hide the whimper that came from my lips. Finnick pulled back to look at me, worry laced his beautiful face. Oh how I missed his beautiful face.
"I'm okay.."
I lied.
"No you're not Sabrina."
Finnick whispered placing me down on the ground. I turned my gaze away from him as he took in my bruised appearance. He stepped closer to me as I stepped back into the wall behind me, I flinched at the pain of sudden contact to the cold wall. He lifted his finger to turn my head to face him. My eyes looked everywhere other than him.
"Sabrina... look at me."
Finnick told me softly. I reluctantly looked at him. His face was filled with guilt.
"Sabrina I am so sorry.".
Finnick cut me off.
"No no don't be it's not your fault Finnick."
I cried throwing my arms over his neck, pulling him down. I kissed him softly. His hands placed on my waist touching the worse bruise. I gasped in pain breaking this kiss. Finnick looked at me, panic written all over his face. Finnick's hand reached the bottom of my shirt.
"Can I?"
Finnick asked, referring to the bruise under my shirt.
I whispered. He lifted the end of my shirt to see the bruise. It was the bad one. Where they electrocuted me every day. He looked at the bruises then back at me. He looked so sad it made me want to just hold him forever.
"I promise, Sabrina, no one will ever hurt you again. You're here, with me."
Finnick soothed as he kissed my nose.
"I love you."
I told him. Finnick smiled so wide as his dimples flashed at me.
"I love you more."
Finnick told me as he very gently pulled me close to him. Our lips only centimeters apart.
"Marry me?"
Finnick asked against my lips. I pulled back to see him smiling down at me, I smiled even wider.
"Of course I'll marry you Finnick Odair."
I whispered against his lips as I kissed him again this time harsher than before, more needy.

"Hey! Romeo! Juliet! I'm still here!"
Johanna yelled from behind us. I saw almost all the nurses staring. Probably wondering way a guy like Finnick would want a girl like me. It seemed like Johanna could tell I was uncomfortable with it, she yelled at them.
"Hey! Get out!"
Johanna yelled. They all rushed out so it was just me Finnick and Johanna.
Finnick started.
"It's fine, I had it the best out of everyone."
Johanna told us looking at me sympathetically. I smiled weakly at her.
"Johanna don't belittle what happened to you."
I told her, she just smirked weakly.
"At least we're finally here."
Johanna said smiling trying to hide the sadness in her face.
There was silence for a few moments, but not awkward.  Just then a girl came in probably in her early teens came up to us.
"Hi, I'm Primrose Everdeen, I'm a nurse in training.  You guys are Johanna and Sabrina, correct?"
She asked us.  She was Prim, Katniss's little sister.
"Uh um yes."
I fell over my words.
"Oh okay so if you would go back to your bed please, sorry."
Prim apologized very nervously.
"Oh of course, don't be sorry Prim."
I told her.  She smiled at me, loosening up a bit.
"Is that her?"
Prim whispered to Finnick.  He nodded his head proudly as he smirked at me.
"She's pretty."
Prim told him, coming over to me to hook up the medication and stuck the needles in my veins gently.  I grimaced at the sting of the needle but soon the pain went away as the medicine started to work.  Finnick smiled at me like a kid.
"How many people did you tell?"
I asked laughing at him.  Prim chuckled.
"Everyone in district 13."
Prim laughed. While Finnick spoke the same time.
"Just a few."
He lied hiding his face behind his hand.
I laughed, jokingly scolding him. 

The sound of the door opening caught us all off guard, it was Katniss leaning on Haymitch, she looked barely conscious as she was holding her throat.
"Katniss! Haymitch what happened?!"
Prim yelled after them leaving us.  Haymitch only said one word.

"I told you. Peeta wasn't Peeta, even in the capital."
Johanna spoke up to me as they left the room.
"That's why they let us go so easily."
I answered my own question.
"They made Peeta a weapon."
Johanna spoke.  I felt so selfish, I was complaining about my pain when I didn't even think about what could've happened to Peeta.  Almost like Finnick could read my mind he put his forehead against mine.
"Nothing is your fault."
Finnick told me planting small butterfly kisses all over my face.
"Hello? Still here!"
Johanna complained as we laughed silently at her.

I heard a voice call for me.  Finnick let go of my hand he was holding to see who it was. He opened the door and there stood August.  Finnick let her in and ran back over to me to prevent me from ripping the needles out of my arms again.
I cried.  She stood there, tears swelling up her eyes.  I held out my arms for her.  Finnick tried to stop me, knowing that the sudden contact would hurt me. 
"It's okay Finnick."
I whispered.  August ran over to me hugging me tightly.  I gasped at the pain but I still held August in my arms.  She cried into my shoulder as I held her.  Finnick rubbed her back, like he was her father.  August wiped away her tears and pulled back to look at me.
"I missed this."
She whispered to me, gesturing to me and Finnick.  Finnick pressed a soft kiss on my lips and then a kiss on August's forehead.
"My girls."
He smiled at us.
God could I love this man more, he was perfect.

Word count: 1706

tides of destiny (finnick odair x oc)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ