house party 3

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January   12, 1994  Lisa pov, well, we are going to have fun on s  this our  first  time on a movie set  by  ourselves   anyway  don't  worry we make sure  u  Wil alight  we play as a group  called  sex as wepton  wit a shady  buniess  man   well girl we never  acted  before  this our first  firm  don't  worry ill give  you  some  pointers  a ill bit well  I would  appreciate  u for that  because  of  that I still  mange  to get the role  it was shot here in cailfora  I was getting  use to being  here  some what  u OK  baby  just nervous  belive  or not I was wen I did my first one  u get use to  it  I didn't  think  they would  make another  one   forn what I saw  it's  pretty  good   not better  than  the first  one   yo kid  what's up long time no see yeah u two man   wait  yall  together  huh  well I try not be in anyone  buniess  well don't  worry  left  eye  it would  get better   I had to get use going to movies  well am here for u  we all are   we in demand  don't  worry i get u alright  u were actually  good we do a song  in the movie  wit kid n play kid character  was getting  married  so  damn didn't  give us names are nothing  well people  got to  see u that's saying  something   nobody  knew  that me n pac was together  but our  friends  we were at this  permire  .

soul mates Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora