house fire

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June 9, 1994 Lisa pov   welll someone  went shopping   where  the size  for Lisa what u doing   I set the house on fire   girl I think they  said  she set his house  girl are carzy   we had been fighting  alot   u know what u did was stupid  right  it's alright  it could  be  fixed  what made u want to do something  like u  that's  a lie  here I was in jail  girl are u carzy   am here to tell u as former  addict   I don't  have a problem  I tried  to run fron my problems   to Lisa   it was all over  the news that I burned    my man house down  look I know I fucked up sometimes  wait  u mean to tel me u almost  down the house  because  thier wasn't  no  shoes in  your  size u did cheat  I did say sorry about  that  yall  different  Bonnie  n cyald  now that's  not funny  u do realize  what u done Lisa  I sweer yalll  would  fight   like thier no torrow  I was drink didn't know what i was doing  girl u almost  burn the  house what  wrong with u i was upset  he would  stay out late    both yalll  need help u just caught  a case  I know I did  wrong   there Times we fight over  everything  the women  I fought  them  to carzy people  getting  together   Lisa this series  pebbles  says  now we have to something  about  this   it's  just to much  whatever  problems  I don't  care fix them between  u two.

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