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Lisa pov   signed. I hated to see him like that  u telling  me  to go. Why not he, my husband, after  all  i had to be pated  down checking  my pruse   alright  thanks for  that  I haven't  seen since  then  I watch him   come out   hey u grew hair   hahaha  very  funny   how u doing  up in here  it feels like  he'll    for real how they treating  u in here trying  to stay outta trouble   that's all well am happy  that u are here is the baby alright    I can't believe  two years went by that fast  how ill man is   alright  he misses  u weĺl he a baby    that's what I wanted  to hear   well since am not doing anything  hopefully  here wow look at him  he  my eyes   yes he does never   wanted  to be back in here   but hey what can u do right   well  am glad u got a reduced  sentence  yeah me to  I hope one day I get to clear my name  u going to see him yeah well  he wants to  see familiar  face  well hopefully  telling  him to keep his hand up  alright  yeah your  brother  said to keep your  head  up thanks for the hands  up I really  miss you  the latters  have been keeping  my spirits  up I appreciate  that yall coming  to see me n all that well we do what we can   well I can't  wait  to meet the ill guy  well yeah I know u have  a hard time.

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