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June 10  ,1994 Lisa pov  I really  hope u get the help. u really  need    u burn down. Well, I almost  didn't have to pay 750000$ dollars  has much I want to be mad at u, and I am already  going through  enough  shit as it is already   am such am alcoholic  shit I drink n smoke   I never  Said  it Lisa  I went though  this wit my mother   am gemmi   record artist  am sure  they look at me like  I wish  would  get it together  he don't  love me no more   I didn't  mean to burn his  house down  well almost  anyway   I was a bit upset  about  him not coming  to see me  u have to understand  Lisa  he already  going  though  his count case  himself  I don't  u  to hear me Lisa  his mother  was addict  right  so it probably  hard for him to see u like that  u can't  let people  take advantage  of u like that anymore  who miss wit her have a problem  wit me   u understand  u can't  give money  away Lisa  pac said over  the phone   u not here why u care anyway   I started  to write the love hate   u going to have to stay here for thirty days  u kidding  me right   I heard what u did look has much am want to be angry   u both can be a bit much am glad u are getting  the help  u nedd  I was in your  your  shoes trust  me it's hard to .

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