birth of Alexis Shakur

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June 11, 2000 Lisa pov  u can do baby  shut the hell up  wen she came out she  is so beautiful  I decided  to name her  Alexis  regin  Shakur  I had to  stop going on tour  wen I found out I was pregnant  now that am a mother  of two  this was pretty   easy  well the second  time always  easy  try to tell my body that  I found out I was pregnant  awhile  on tour  this my first time leaving  a tour  early  am happy  that I could  actually  be there all the way wen our child is born  we just clebete  our fifth  wedding  anniversary   I always  wanted  a girl I finally  got my baby  girl  I have make up for lost times  I know  look amau  u have a baby sister  always  look after  her alright  easy now aww look at my beautiful  granddaughter  that took alot out of me it really  did  u have Changed  these five years  well I guess  having a baby does that to u I told them  I don't  eat meat this going  to take getting  use to  well I want to be healthy  am happy  that I had healthy  baby girl I know understand  what's  important  now  that others  shit doesn't  matter  anymore   we a big happy  family  we had to go marriage  counseling   we haven't  been awhile   I guess  this forced  u to grow up  hopefully  we don't  end up like my boy larenzn  tate  that was movie fool  I came as soon I could.

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