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October 1,1996 Tupac Shakur's pov am back like I never  left  Mackey  what's  up my man  Oh my bad I forgot  this  wife she said  u get married  I know  we at the  premiere  of  bullet  u know  I can't  stay to long  Tupac  over  here  well am just happy  to  be moving  around  before  all this happend  I was working  on this  movie  am so happy  for u to u know  this my first  time out since  Vagas  u did  look bad ass though  I can't  lie though  I got to know Mackey  bad mothfcka  to  u know in the future  I might  do more acting  more power  to ya  hey u want to come wit me  to the permire  tonight  u want me I said  outta anger  come on now damn  I play tank  local drug  dealer  with  Mackey  chacther  butch  wen he streal  from me  u doing  alright  yeah  those mothfckers  Wil gets  what's  coming  to them  I really  enjoyed  making  the  firm  there are great  actors  yeah  me Mackey  become  firends during  shooting  the movie  how Lisa  taking all of this  that can't  be easy  yeah  its  not cake walk I tell u that  I just want  to get back to work  good thing though  it was shot in new York  am from  the east coast  I hate  this shit  I really  hope I do become good husband  n soon  good father  I hope hey man u young give it time  Lisa  a good woman  woman  now let's get to this permire.

soul mates Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin