Chapter Forty One

Start from the beginning

Putting the final brush stroke on a swirling storm I'd been painting I heard the door behind me open, and Alessio entered the room his hair messy and suit ruffled as if he'd had to do extreme movement in it for hours on end.

"That's a beautiful painting," he says crossing the room, his shoes making a flat clicking noise.

"I wanted it to represent turmoil," I say looking to him and an emotion flashed across his face like he could feel the painting just by looking at it.

"Add a person's face in the middle of the storm," he suggests, and I glance to him.

"Okay, but tomorrow, you look like you need to relax," I say and I feel his hands meet my waist.

"After hunting a group of assassin's yes, I do," he says and I stared straight into his eyes seeing them flash then grow restrained.

"Don't look at me like that, you look too innocent," Alessio mutters but he doesn't take a step back and I keep looking at him.

"Then do something about it," I challenge and the gleam returns, mixed with an emotion akin to desire but much more passionate.

In an instant he pulled me to him and hoisted me up though I quickly dropped the paintbrush into the can I used to hold my brushes before I got any on his expensive suit.

Alessio then began to effortlessly carry me through the house and up to our bedroom where he used his foot to push the door closed.

He was careful as he lay me down on the bed and stepped back before pulling off his jacket.

"I want to make love to you Arianna, but only if you want me to," he says folding the jacket and setting it on the leather bench at the end of the bed.

His body language was predatory, like his body and mind were separate and in this life I wouldn't be too surprised if it was if in moments his body just acted, and his mind remained perceptive, while in others like now, he was caging the animal he trapped inside behind all of his civil mannerisms, behind his red door, and I hoped I never had to see what it being unchained looked like.

He did promise I never would.

I also hadn't had him since all this began, he'd been focused on the traitors and securing our wedding over any love him and I could share. Looking at him though, any semblance of the woman who could resist men in this world left, my mother had wanted me to make myself a weapon to get my way with Alessio, had told Gabriella to do the same.

That wouldn't work on them. And definitely not Alessio.

"Yes," was all I could manage, a single word as like the thousands of previous times I found myself caught in his gaze, and several shades redder then I would have liked, but that was his effect on me. Some deeply primal part of me that threw all class to the side.

Crossing the distance between us, he pressed his lips to mine climbing over me and pulling my body up to be closer to our pillows. He was gentler then usual like he thought he was on a breaking point and even if he was, he was still incredibly passionate despite the reserve in his actions.

"Relax, Alessio, if you need to be more harsh with kissing you can," I say and he paused which was when I noticed how the absence of his teasing of a particular spot on my jaw was affected me.

"If I give you more I would be fucking you. And angry sex isn't something I want to direct at you," he says staring into my eyes and the swirling mix of love and slipping control made my heartbeat double.

"You wouldn't hurt me and I know you wouldn't," I say as he cupped the side of my face, while using his thumb to clear my face of hair.

"I never will hurt you, so long as I can help it. So if it starts to hurt tell me, immediately," he says his tone still soft but stern.

"Of course, but I trust you," I say touching his face and feeling the neatly trimmed beard that he so often made sure looked impeccable. Everything about him was so groomed, and clean, like he'd made his whole image of marble and he was Michelangelo.

Alessio was also a very careful lover even as he took one item of clothing off at a time he kept complimenting me especially when it came to the parts of my body I was insecure of.

"Arianna," he says looking up from just above my core and staring straight into my eyes as I covered my chest with my arms. "You don't have to hide your boobs, I've seen them, and they are perfect, like the rest of you," he says and before I could respond his fingers and lips began working every nerve between my legs until I felt like I was coming apart at the seams.

"Alessio," I gasp shutting my eyes tightly before the sensation went away and found him level with me.

"What do want Arianna?" he asks so softly and so in control.

"You," I say daring him to keep himself in control, when I knew once he started he couldn't.

Reaching for the nightstand he pulled out a condom which I was surprised at since I'd never seen him come home with them, unless he'd been slipping them into the house by putting them in his suits.

He would just to get a reaction out of me by revealing them.

"I see you couldn't risking fucking me without one forever," I tease, and he wryly smirks at me.

"I cum too quickly without one, with you. This will slow that," Alessio states before rolling it over himself and lining himself up before he glanced to me to gauge my reaction as he slid into me.

He then dragged himself out, and pushed back in watching me while I watched him, all while I got used to being full.

"Tell me when I can go faster," he groaned his breathing becoming thicker as he tried to steady his voice.

"Whenever you want," I reply and he sped up, angling himself deeper and higher to my G-spot which began to send the same tense rivering sensation through my body all while he kissed, and nipped at every sensitive part of my body he could get to until I felt my core tighten and he expanded inside me before spilling into the condom as my legs, and body spasmmed all while he kept kissing me until he was just softly pressing his lips to mine.

"I love you Arianna, and not just because you physically can do things to me. But also that you've given everything around me more warmth," Alessio says barely more then a whisper. His face told me that he was thinking about something like he wanted to add to what he said but he didn't and I just smiled knowing in his own time he would tell me.

"I love you too Alessio," I say and his eyes flit to mine before he leaned his head down against mine.

"We should shower, and I'll go find bedding," he says glancing to our sheets which likely had our sweat on it.

"Okay, I'll go start the shower," I say and Alessio rolled over with me now on top of him before I got off of him and crossed the room towards the bathroom. I then turned the showers on and set them to where Alessio and I liked our water temperature.

Getting into the tiled rain shower I began to wash away sex from my body until Alessio joined and he too began the process of cleaning himself but I kept seeing him glance at me though I couldn't tell what he was thinking, and I badly wanted to.

That's today's chapter. I know they're spaced out I work late and I value the quality of my chapters so I try. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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