Chapter Twenty Six

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Light streamed through the windows of the master bedroom the following morning and I found that I was wrapped in a blanket tightly and felt warm, and comforted.

Rolling over I reached out and found that Alessio's body wasn't in reach he wasn't even in sight and the bedroom was silent.

Where had he gone?

Sitting up I looked around the room and found a wooden board on the nightstand with a coffee and various breakfast items along with a card on it. Picking up the card I opened it and found that it was the same material and font as the card in the box for my engagement ring that I glanced down at and admired how sparkly the gems were before I looked to the card and read what it said.

I'm in the gym, also the breakfast is for you, I hope it's good.


Closing the note I pulled the board onto my lap and found that it automatically sprung legs so that I didn't have to balance it on my lap. After a moment I watched Carmilla enter the room dressed in a light grey suit with her straight blonde haired pulled back. I had wondered at times why all of Alessio's staff even the ones out of sight were usually traditionally attractive. The soldiers around the property even had their own standard being what most of the boys and girls I'd gone to a private school with, as sevens. I did wonder what Alessio saw though he didn't even look at his soldiers in anything but a professional way.

"Good morning Carmilla," I say as I took a long sip from the cup and set it back down on the board making a dense sounding tap.

"Good morning Miss Valentino," Carmilla says before pushing open the doors to the bedroom and letting in the smell of rain and I frowned even as the smell wafted into the room. Noticing the expression Carmilla gave me a smile.

"Your fiancé likes the smell of rain, doesn't like being wet, or cold though," Carmilla says and I became curious of how long she'd been here to know that.

"How long have you been a member of Alessio's security?" I ask taking one of the warm Belgian waffles, something Alessio loved and I'd seen him make many times for breakfast when he had the time.

"Three years, I started just after I'd been initiated though I was never told who I worked for, then it was revealed that I'd be working for Alessio Salvatorini himself under Caporegime Lino Pasinalli," Carmilla says, "that's probably why Alessio trusts me to guard you," she adds before walking out of the room and though it didn't bother me I wished that Lino and Carmilla weren't so separate from me especially when Lino was a close colleague of Alessio's and I was certain he trusted the man.

Once I finished my breakfast I carried the board down to the kitchen and the whole time I though back to what the note that went with the engagement ring said. Be mine, be my wife. Alessio would have said that to me. He was possessive and he wouldn't be the kind of person to ask in any other way.

Of course Alessio had wrote it when I hadn't known him well enough to know.

Setting the board down in the kitchen I left the large kitchen and made my way through the house until I found the gym and pushed open the door and realized the walls were soundproof before taking in Alessio dressed in boxing shorts and barefoot as he pumbled the vinyl bag that swung from a chain the back wall entirely made of mirrors while the glass that looked outside giving a view of the back garden while he stayed stone focused on the black Adidas earbuds in though the sad rock music played loud enough for me to hear every barrage of punches and as I paid attention to the words I wondered who he had played the song to think of.

What I admired was the skill that he moved with, it wasn't emotional. Every punch was from his own skill, and want to move that way, thought I wouldn't have been shocked if he had been training all his life. However he was moving a lot faster then he had spared with me.

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