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As soon as Namsoon left the office, she check the date on her phone.

She quickly jotted down every memory she could remember.
The events, the dates, the evidence, the source, location.

Her brain was going full speed ahead, like a chu-chu training speeding on tracks, like never before.

Every single detail, word by word, piece by piece.

She was typing on her phone like mad, while crouching down under a pile of boxes.

Her only goal was to save Ryu Shi-oh.
So she has to jot down everything she could remember.

Doogo Delivery Manager: Tsetseg, What are you doing there?

Namsoon *raise her left hand to stop him from talking*
Don't disturb me. I need to finish this before Lunch
*continue typing with her right hand*
* she showed him away*

The manager touch his neck, he could feel the rising blood pressure, he would just be in pain if he stayed.
And he knew he can't beat Namsoon.
So he left in a huff.


Later that evening,
After ending his meeting with Hwang Geumju.
Ryu Shi-oh, got out from the bath, he don on a dark blue wardrobe, while walking to sit comfortably on his couch, with a skyline view of the buildings outside his apartment, behind him.

He receives a call from his secretary, updating him of the news that Hwang Geumju had found her real daughter.

While checking the news report. A picture of a long haired girl smiling was posted.
It was a common face, but since he needs to know everything about Hwang Geumju, even this small article is important. She could turn out to be a friend or a foe, so he needed leverage against her.

While Namsoon had a serious girl talk with her mother.
After she met with her father, Her mom's secretary had called her, that someone will fetch her  and head to the Geumju hotel, since her mother wanted to talk to her.

When she entered inside the Suite Room, her mother, was sitting on the bed, smiling warmly at her.

Namsoon ran to hug her mother.

Namsoon: Mother, I miss you

Geumju: What are you talking about?
Didn't we just met yesterday?

Namsoon: *control her tears*
I don't know. I just feel that its been so long since I met you. I just want to run into your arms the moment I saw you again.

Geumju feels so touch, she hugged back fiercely.

This two strong women were hugging each other, only controlling themselves not to use to much force, or they will crush each other bones.

Namsoon was the one who breaks away first.

Namsoon: Mother, Your secretary said you have something to say to me?

Geumju: I was thinking, your already 22. Isn't it time to look for your better half?

Namsoon: *hesitates*
Mother... I- before that, there is even more important thing for me to do

Geumju: *anticipates*
Well what is it thats more important than finding a lover?

Namsoon: I've decided that in this life, I'll use everything I've got to protect him.

Geumju: Protect who?

Namsoon: *looks down sadly*
A person who I failed to protect. I promise to be on his side.
I only wanted to catch him but when I did. I- All I could feel was pain, It felt like my heart was about to break. It was too painful to  breath
*her tears fell slowly down her cheeks*

Geumju hugged her daughter whose shoulder was shaking while crying.
She doesn't know what her daughter is talking about but seeing her child cries so heartbreakingly, as a mother, she already understood.

Geumju: Is that person important to you?  Who is that person?
How dare he make my daughter cry!
* Geumju was boiling with rage*
Just wait until I catch him!

Namsoon: *sniffles*
Mother No...Its my fault. He told me he likes me, but I.... I didn't know what loving a person truly meant until I saw...
I thought I like Hee-sik but now...after I....after I saw him...
All I could think about was protecting his precious smile
* Her mother hands her a tissue*
* Namsoon blows her nose*

While Namsoon was busy wiping her snott and tears, Geumju's mind was running like a marathon, trying to figure out who the guy her daughter is crying for.

The only guy she's close to other than
Kang Hee-sik, was the homeless guy.
But he had a girlfriend, and his looks--- let's not mention it.

Maybe she met a co-worker at Doogo, but she had her secretary file up a report of all the employee working under the logistics branch and she's 100% sure, none of them would pique her daughter's interest.

Then who is the man who have a precious smile? Needs protection? Confess his feelings to her daughter?

The last man her daughter had an encounter was----Geumju crumbled the tissue box she was holding.

Geumju: *smiles forcedly*
My daughter, Don't tell me the one you had an interest in
*grits her teeth* 
is Doogo Ceo Ryu Shi-Oh!

Namsoon blinks away her tears.

Namsoon: *sort of impress by her mother's deduction skills*
Mother your amazing, how could you figure it out. I didn't even mention a name

Geumju: Oh no, *inhales deeply*
The one you wanted to protect is him?!

Namsoon nods while wiping her tears one last time, while throwing the tissue straight to the trash can.

Geumju: Couldn't you just pick someone else?
If you don't like Hee-sik, I can arrange for you to meet with every single young bachelor in this country.

Namsoon: That won't work. All I can think about is Shi-oh

Geumju: *immediately cuts her off*
then think something else, how about focusing on the drug case.
Guys who deals with drugs, 10 out 10 doesn't turn out to be a good person.

Namsoon: I know Shi-oh is not a good person. I won't try to change him to be good. All I wanted is to protect him and bring him to Mongolia, and pick the stars for him

Geumju slump down, its no use at this point. When her daughter was young, she would pick a star and give it to her most favorite person.
Of course, It wasn't a real star but a candy which sparkles like the stars.

Her daughter had only given her 6 Candy, while her ex-husband receive way more, it was overspilling from the candy jar, he hid inside his safe. He thought she didn't know, but his password was too easy to guess. It was Geumju's Birthday.

The stars was her daughter most favorite thing. Her father brought her to Mongolia where she can see the entire sky covered in stars, you can almost touch it.

And now, her daughter mentioned picking out the stars for him.
She dare not treat it lightly, she was absolutely sure that if her daughter is serious about it. With their massive wealth, I'm afraid she might go to space just to literally get him a star.

Geumju: Its over

Namsoon: No its not. Mother this time, I can do it for sure.

She stood up and hug her mother.

After the Party~
She bid farewell to go back to her new apartment, she had requested from Ji Hyun-soo, her homeless friend-turned-lead actor.
She was freeloading in Hee-sik apartment, but now that she knows what she feels. She feels a little embarassed to continue freeloading on him.

While inside the Car, She rolled down the window and gaze up into the sky.
Korea is too bright at night, you can hardly see the stars.

The driver stop Namsoon to a building surrounded by large crawling vines, situated in an uphill resident.

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