107. Spearmint

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A/N: I've got a little treat for you. One of my friends, who Evie is very loosely based on, let me use a song for this chapter. I made her record a snippet so I could add it in here. A little something different for this story but I think it'll help paint a picture. It's just her voice, she didn't have her guitar on her 😭Enjoy x

I was sat with Pauli, chatting away before they got pulled away to get up and solve for a playlist emergency. They were always so friendly and enthusiastic and I found myself in stitches every-time they were around.

I caught Gemma's eyes across the garden and with a soft smile, she beelined towards me. She wore a gorgeous mid-length denim dress with cuffed sleeves. We hadn't said more to each other than a hello after an introduction from Anne, so far.

"Is this seat free?"

"Of course" I smiled, straightening up as she pulled the chair back from the table to slide in. "It's crazy how similar you two look" I chuckled then quickly cringed.

Really, Evie?

"We do get that a lot" she laughed. "Harry said you have a sister, do you get the same?"

"Mm, no" I laughed, fondly smiling just thinking on when and why he would have divulged that. "Ziggy's been taller than me since she turned seven...but I guess that's not hard." I gestured a hand down my short frame as I lifted my legs and hovered them out before me. Gemma laughed gently with a nod, agreeing completely.

"Mum said you were at the show the other night, I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you. It's insane we haven't met until now" she then said, bringing her glass of white wine to her red-painted lips.

"Yeah" I sighed, "I wasn't planning on sticking round but then-"

"My brother accosted you?" She finished my sentence for me with a laugh, pushing her ornate gold-framed sunglasses back into her long dark hair. She had gorgeous eyes just like her brother.

"Yeah, something like that" I laughed, feeling a little embarrassed. I don't know how much she knew but I was guessing now, a little.

"Well he's told me lots about you" she admitted with a playfully sly smile. My face must have read alarmed because she reached forward and placed her hand over my thigh, gushing, "all good things, I promise."

"Phew" I chuckled.

"I think he's quite fond of you" she then offered, eyes flitting towards her brother who was making his way over.

"I don't know why" I murmured with a chuckle, then quickly realising I'd spoken aloud.

"I see you two are getting well acquainted" Harry observed with a suspicious and knowing smile, pushing his black sunglasses back into his hair. He stepped between the small gap between Gemma and the tables edge, sitting on her lap playfully. "You were bitching about me, weren't you?"

"It's not hard when you're just the worst, ever" I smirked.

"Agreed" Gemma giggled, wrapping her arms around his narrow waist. "Inviting us all round to your glorious slice of Italian heaven for a long, boozy lunch. Who do you think you are, Harry?"

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face seeing the two siblings interact playfully, but it did make me miss my own sister. The rest of my family, too.

It had been such a nice day. I'd reunited with some of the love band, Mitch, Sarah, Elin, Ariza and Pauli had all stayed back. I'd met Molly and Harry, two of Harry's dear friends and colleagues responsible for his iconic style and creative output. Tom was there too, alongside Jeff, Glenne and some other members of Harry's team. Of course Anne, her partner and Gemma too.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now