19. Darkness or the dawn

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Song linked above - listen to it to feel the vibes! Enjoy and please let me know your thoughts - I love to hear from you all xxx

We danced under the moonlight for what felt like hours. Our bodies held closely together, swaying gently to the music. Not a need for a word shared between us. A moment so perfect it felt like sunshine after the rain.

In saying that though, the more I started to enjoy the sunshine on my face, the looming dark cloud that was my apprehension was waiting in the wings, threatening to rain on us once more. I tried to shake the thought but my curiosity wanted too badly to win.

"I have a question" I began.

"Mhm" Harry murmured against my hair, "what is it?"

"What do you imagine is next for us...after this?" I spoke with closed eyes. Cringing at every syllable, but I needed to put my mind at rest.

'Us'. Really Evie?

"Well, I believe tomorrow we fly to Gold Coast where we have two shows" he chuckled.

I lifted my head off his chest and gave him a stern 'don't play, boy' sort of look.

"Ok then, let me answer your question with a question, then". My head returned to his chest as James Blake's 'Retrograde' sounded from the speakers above us.

You're on your own, in a world you've grown
Few more years to go,
Don't let the hurdle fall
So be the girl you loved,
Be the girl you loved

"If I was just a random guy you met... say, at a bar while on tour. What would you hope would happen?"

I took a moment to think about it. What would I hope would happen?
I was content being single. I certainly wasn't after a relationship and well, this certainly wasn't a relationship anyway. I don't know what this was.

But the thought of wrapping up the tour and never seeing Harry again, it made me feel something in the pit of my stomach. Very unlike you, Evie.

It all happened so fast. It was flirty, light and fun. Then in a blink of an eye it was heavier, more involved.

But what would I hope would happen? I just didn't know how to answer that.

Suddenly I'm hit
Is this the darkness or the dawn?

"I.... I don't know" I told Harry quietly.

"Yet here you are asking me questions you don't even know the answers to. You are such a Virgo" he chuckled once more.

I laughed into his chest - he was spot on. "What's that meant to mean?"

"You don't like relinquishing control very much. You like knowing where things are heading".

How on earth does he have such a good read on me?

"And when you don't" he continued quietly, "I bet you like to chuck in the towel and call it a day".

"This is getting wayyy too analytical for me" I laughed, pushing away from him, "I'm going to need another drink".

With a hand lingering on the small of my back, he lead me back to the couch.

"Evie I don't know what this is either" Harry spoke, pouring the last of the champagne between our two flutes. "All I know is that I really like you. You fascinate me but you also scare the shit out of me. No set plans - but that's exciting and no reason to chuck in the towel".

I tried to cooly take a sip of my drink and managed to somehow miss my mouth and dribble a little.
Harry caught it and reached out, a thumb running over my bottom lip.
"Fascinating" he said quietly, his green-eyed gaze lingering on me for a moment.

Evie | H.S |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora