72. Interruptions

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A/N: thanks for sticking with this story guys. It means so much that you're all still reading and leaving nice comments and messages. Hope you enjoy this one x

Ps. I'm still cackling at the irony of Evie getting her tatt covered up the same day Harry showcases his Olivia tattoo. Maybe he should get a rose too 😂

I shot up in bed with a gasp as an abrasive ringing sounded from outside my bedroom, interrupting my sleep. It sounded like a rusty alarm bell, drilling and harsh in the way it echoed throughout my apartment.

I checked the time on my phone - it was almost one AM so my immediate thought was drunk kids walking past causing mischief. That was until a moment later when it rang again. Then twice, it's echo filling the dark room.

My bare feet hit the cold wooden floorboards as I padded towards my front door. With no heater, the cold draft hit my bare legs in a stretched, old black band tee that sat on my frame like a night dress.

I hadn't a clue how access to the building worked - the flat was old. There was no camera or intercom so with a groan, I hesitantly made my way out my front door and towards the staircase as the harsh ringing sounded once again from the confines of my apartment behind me.

The large black wooden front door that sat on the ground level had two panes of frosted glass either side of it, I could make out a tall silhouette from behind it and immediately I went into fight or flight.

This could be your Taken moment, Evie.

I stood behind the front door for safety, opening it up just a fraction before I saw the relief of a white Vans sneaker step into the gap confirming the silhouettes identity.

"Jesus Christ" I hissed. I'd barely stepped around to greet him before Harry had me pushed up against a wall. A short, sharp and surprised gasp escaped my lips as his two hands engulfed my waist. Thumbs digging into my stomach, I hit the concrete wall with a harsh urgency. The sweetness of the blow was his lips crashing into mine; once again moulding perfectly as he took from me the oxygen that had escaped.

My favourite scent in the world surrounded me as I tried to inhale through my nose as Harry effortlessly engaged all of my senses. My arms had thrown themselves over his shoulders out of pure, lusty instinct and my fingers laced into the curls at the nape of his neck.

Hungrily and possessively, his tongue demanded access to all of me. It was as though he needed my breath to survive as our shared wanton panting echoed throughout the shared foyer.

His hips pushed up and into mine and my hands harshly tugged at his hair as he did so, eliciting a heady grunt within his throat. His hand found the side of my neck and he pulled away briefly, breathlessly.

"What are you doing?" My voice was raspy and shaky as I tried to gain some sense of composure. I couldn't hide the smile at the corners of my mouth, which he leant forward to press kisses into either side of.

"Do you know how much easier things would be if you just talked to me?" His forehead pressed harshly into mine as his eyes dipped between mine and my lips. "If we just cut the bullshit?"

"Where's the fun in that" I whispered, our foreheads rolling against each other as he begged for our lips to be met once more. Hot breath clashing between us.

"You'll be the death of me, Evie Ma..." his lips crashed back to mine before he could even get his sentence out. It was as though he was so acutely aware of the wasted time when our bodies weren't connected in that way.

I jumped in fright as his left hand moved from my waist and slammed the front door shut, like he had no regard for anything other than 'us' in the moment. The hand around my neck circled the back of my shoulders as the other arm snaked around my waist, pulling me in closer as he encouraged me to step sideways with him, headed for the staircase.

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