40. Dazzled

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Due to my lack of dexterity and generally unenthusiastic approach to golf, we decided on a lunch at the club before heading back to the house after cutting the game short.

On the ride back to the main quarters, Harry had teased me about my aforementioned lack of dexterity which strangely pulled a smile at my face. Since day one, we had managed to fall into an effortless banter that was built on mutual self deprecation and a general insouciance.

"You would have been the biggest pain in the arse in gym class". Harry adjusted the sunglasses on his face with one hand as he spoke, the other effortlessly steering the wheel on the golf cart.

"Organised sports were never really my thing" I shrugged, flashbacks of digging my heels in the ground at school sports mixers played in my head.

"I can just picture it" he chuckled as he expertly dodged the myriad of people walking back to the clubhouse. "But then again, you were probably a pain in the arse in all your classes".

I looked at him with a frown. "Are you suggesting I'm a pain the arse, Harry?"

"Massively" he smiled behind his sunglasses, I didn't need to see his eyes to know the kind of boyish sparkle they held in that moment.

Whilst my niggling anxieties about the media attention and 'The End' were still ever-present, being away from the noise and chaos of being on tour in a major city was a welcomed distraction. But it was just that; a distraction.

I found myself at times just gazing at him in awe. It was happening often. It wasn't a lusty gaze - I think I just found my self subconsciously trying to commit him to memory whenever I could. I think I knew deep down that this happiness was fleeting.

We'd been seated on a four seater table in a quiet stretch right by the large windows overlooking the green. The restaurant was almost entirely booked out but given where we were, not a single person had paid mind to 'the Harry Styles' and I think that relaxed him; in turn, that relaxed me too.

His shoulders were dropped back and there was a general good vibe which was nice. In the few moments we'd been out in public together just us two or even in a group setting, there was always an underlying tension. His eyes were always scanning the vicinity for a camera. He would be on edge and that wasn't conducive to quality time spent.

As always, Harry would pull my chair out and let me sit down first - a peculiar gesture from someone who had only minutes prior, been roasting me; but that's what I liked about Harry, that duality of sweet and spicy. He was comforting, vulnerable and assuring when he needed to be, but teasing and assertive most of the time. God, he was a joy to be around. I was learning why he had such a rabidly dedicated fan base. They adored his talent but more so, his cheeky, boyish spirit. He was infectious.

"Today has been so fun" Harry smiled, his fork playing with some of the salad on his plate. This smile was devoid of his usual cheekiness though, his eyes were soft. I felt like he was speaking on a deeper, more sincere level.

"You don't have to lie, you would have had a far more enjoyable time if I wasn't such a brat about golf" I laughed dryly after a bite of my salmon.

Classic Evie, diverting the conversation somewhere lighter and less sincere.

"You might've even got eighteen holes in".

"One hole, three holes, doesn't matter Eve. I just like being around you, even when you are being a brat". His hand reached across the white tablecloth, fingers hooking over my wrist to give me a squeeze. "Especially when you're being a brat actually... keeps me on my toes". 

"I don't wanna go back tomorrow" I sighed, looking out at all the golfing retirees who were living a life of leisure; likely under far less pressure than I was feeling choke me up.

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