32. Love languages

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The last of the daylight was long behind us and our surroundings were dark and quiet. The light from the streetlights only ever outshone by the odd set of headlights that would pass us. We had only around fifteen minutes left of the drive before we'd meet our destination and with no radio signal and not a single place to plug a phone in for music, we were left to entertain ourselves.

An ❤️‍🔥
Hello! I thought you were back home today? What's going on??

Currently en route up the coast from Sydney with Harry - I've been kidnapped!!

An ❤️‍🔥
I bet you're sooooo upset about that lol. Sounds very romantic??

A lump formed in my throat as I read her response.

I know lol. I'm so scared Annie. Wtf am I doing?

An ❤️‍🔥
Just enjoy the moments and stop thinking ahead. We'll debrief when you're finally back. Don't let your head get in the way x

She was right. Every fibre of my being was screaming at me for putting myself in this position but I couldn't physically pull myself away. My earlier realisation was a warning. One that I would usually take note of. But being with Harry like this was so easy. It felt so natural and something this easy couldn't be that wrong, right? There was something inside of me telling me to ignore my own warnings, to continue to indulge. I was here now. I just had to enjoy it for whatever it is.

I sat up on the passenger side, my legs curled under me as I watched Harry drive. He would regularly call me out for staring but I couldn't help it. One arm on the wheel, his other alternated between the gear stick and my thigh, giving me a quick squeeze at intermittent moments. I admired the way his brow furrowed as he focused on the road ahead. There was nothing sexier than a man who could drive shift in my opinion.

We talked about everything from high-school to odd food combinations we liked. Being stuck in the car alone was a welcomed opportunity for us to keep getting to know each other.

That's right, we were alone... unusual.

"No security?" I asked with a cocked head as he took my right hand, placing a light kiss along my knuckles.

"Nothing gets past you, eh" he chuckled, returning my hand to my lap. "They needed a break too. As you so eloquently put it, we're just going to raw dog the public. I can't imagine we'll need to leave the house though".

I couldn't stifle the laugh that the comment elicited.

"And 'what about supplies?' I hear you ask?" he continued, as if he could read my mind before I even had time to concoct the thought. "I've got everything sorted so you need not to worry".

I smirked at him briefly, before gazing back out at the beachfront I could just make out from the moonlight. He probably didn't see it the same, but taking me away like this was one of the grandest gesture anyone has made for me.

"How did you know I'd love this car?" I asked as we pulled up a driveway and stopped in-front of a garage. The outside of the property was all white weatherboard, very coastal and chic.

"I actually didn't know that" Harry's top lip curved into a smile as he unfastened his seatbelt. "You continue to surprise me, Evie".

"Dad loves 'em", I informed, watching on as he jumped out and moved to dial a lockbox to the side of the building.

He retrieved a set of keys and a remote from the box and the garage door started rolling up and we pulled into the large space which was automatically lit up inside as we drove into it. As I stepped down from the car, I could smell the salt in the air and hear the crashing of waves - the beach had to be close.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now