41. 1982

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A longer one! There's music embedded in this one - make sure to listen to it, I feel like it ads a certain je ne sais quoi! Enjoy - please interact and don't be a ghost reader - I adore hearing from you all! Xxxx

For some crazy reason, we decided we would indeed attend that fundraiser at the local golf club. It was only a ten minute walk from the house we were staying in and maybe it would be a laugh. God knows we needed it after the heaviness of the afternoon.

He didn't have to say it, but I knew deep down that Harry craved normal, more casual social interactions and experiences. His life was so opulent and every decision made was so considered. He was always at his happiest when we were doing something normal and I think that the idea of a spontaneous evening excited him; even if it was just a casual affair with a bunch of much older strangers.

Harry made his way downstairs while I showered and blow waved my hair. I kept my makeup to a minimum before standing over my suitcase trying to work out what kind of outfit this sort of event warranted. I shrugged on a thin black knitted sweater and let my eyes search for the jeans I wanted.

Beside my suitcase was that damned white pleated golf skirt, bunched and discarded on the floor. With a sigh, I picked it up and shrugged it on in hopes it would lighten the mood; sacrificing my personal style for his entertainment, I'd do anything to have him crack a smile.

Locating my scuffed Chuck Taylors, I pulled them over my white tube socks. Looking down at my body, I felt like something from a 2012 Tumblr blog. At least I was going to be somewhat anonymous tonight. At my bedside, I put on my assortment of silver rings and earrings before I moseyed on downstairs.

The kitchen and living room were empty but I could smell the sea breeze, indicating that the back door was wide open.

I could hear the gentle strum of a guitar - my guitar. I liked him playing my guitar. His voice gently sang to a melody, I wasn't close enough to make out lyrics.

Gently approaching, I caught some of the words as he looped back to the start, seemingly trying to flesh out a song idea. I vaguely remembered catching him working on this same tune on our first full day here.

My eyes relaxed as I was close enough to make out the lyrics. The corner of my lips pulled into a smile... it wasn't obnoxious to assume this one might have been inspired by this trip.

Yesterday, it finally came, a sunny afternoon
I was on my way to buy some flowers for you
Thought that we could hide away in a corner of the heath
There's never been someone who's so perfect for me

There's just no gettin' through
Without you
A bottle of rouge
Just me and you

"Didn't mean to interrupt" I quietly padded around the front of the lounge he sat on.

"You're not" he smiled weakly, placing the guitar down to his right. His eyes instantly met with the skirt, an amused smirk jerked at his mouth.


"That was pretty" I mused, meeting his extended hand as it reached out for me. I was pulled into his lap, my legs dangling over the side of his. I loved how well my body folded into his.

"Feeling inspired" he shrugged nonchalantly as I wrapped my arms over the back of his shoulders. His arm extended over my legs, pulling my thighs towards him. His assortment of rings were back on his fingers, chipped pink polish that would soon need to be repainted.

One of those hands held my cheek, my eyes fluttered closed and I leant into his gentle touch. "Are you sure you really want to go to this thing?"

"Yeah, I'm sure". The pads of his thumb skimmed at my bottom lip. "I don't get to do this kind of stuff like...ever". He pat my thigh signalling me to get up. "I like doing normal stuff with you. I just wanna enjoy the simplicity".

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now