37. Spicy margaritas

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Hiiiiii! I have a few good chapters almost ready to go - just wanted to get this lil bit out first. I can't believe there's almost 10k reads on this now wtf. Thanks for coming along on this journey with me xx

The sprint from the beach back to the house was cold. Goosebumps puckered over the expanse of my naked body as I quickly retrieved my clothes from the sandy shore, praying the neighbours wouldn't decide right now was a good time for a beach stroll.

"Evie! This way!" Harry called over his shoulder from a a few paces ahead, directing me to the gate leading to the side of the house. Our sandy feet hit the weathered wooden boardwalk that led up the side of the property, the sweet relief of an impending hot shower was near, as I could see it now up ahead.

Up against the wooden fence, a copper pipe with a single tap handle mid-way up its length, extended from the tiled area of the floor turning into a large, square shower head. A flourishing garden of green plants surrounded the area, transforming the space from that of beachfront home to a tropical garden somewhere exotic.

"Oh fuck, thank god" I giggled, tipping my head back to let the hot water rain over me. We both let out a groan of relief as our temperatures began to regulate. The sky above us was darkening, a mellow candy-floss pink would soon transform into a darker purple.

Whilst the effect of the mushrooms had waned slightly, each droplet of water that trailed down the tendrils of his hair and onto his strong, tanned shoulders still held some magic.

"You're so fucking beautiful" I blurted in a breathy whisper before I even had time to comprehend that I had spoken aloud. My gaze dropped as I fell slightly embarrassed but his two strong hands cupped my cheeks quickly, his striking green eyes burning into mine again.

"You're just saying that cause you're a little high still". The pads of his thumbs grazed over my cheekbones.

I stood up on the balls of my feet, trying to reach his eye-line. "I said it out loud because I'm a little high, but I think the same thing sober". I said this with a shrug, so casually divulging exactly how I felt every-time I was lucky enough to set eyes on him. I don't think I'd ever craved the mere sight of someone, like I do with Harry.

"You're so special" Harry chuckled, bringing his lips to mine, almost as if he were reading the thoughts swimming through my lusty brain. The water was falling into my eyes so I let them fan closed. The only senses I was focusing on now were touch, sound and taste.

Distant crashing waves could only just be heard over the rain-like sounds from the shower head above. The fresh water that ran down our faces made our kiss taste refreshing. Harry's hands had glided from my cheeks and down to either side of my neck. His grip was gentle yet possessive as he kissed me with conviction as if he was worried the moment would end and I'd slip away.

My fingertips ran up his upper arms, finding his shoulders and dipping back down to his chest. As we kissed, the sky darkened and as the sky darkened, a cool change came with it. Under the hot water however, we felt invincible against the outside climate.

My fingertips found his waist and I ran them around his lower back, inching him closer in the process because I wanted nothing more than to be touching him in whatever way I could right now. His tongue would gently pad against mine at moments, our lips moving together in a quickened harmony. His lips tugged at mine and a thumb brushed my nipple, a breathy moan escaping me. My hands trailed down and letting my intrusive thoughts win, I couldn't help but grab his ass while I was there. I could never get enough of naked Harry.

Harry laughed into our kiss, breaking it momentarily. "Are you fuckin' right Evie?"

"Mhm" I hummed with a giggle, as his thumb tugged my bottom lip downwards. "Are you feeling objectified now?" My hands trailed back up to his shoulders.

Evie | H.S |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें