46. Line my eyes and call me pretty

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Last night was a dream. Although lately, I've found myself saying that every morning and that scared me.

The difference with this morning though, was there was a heavy sense of mourning. Harry was leaving tomorrow morning. The inevitable had finally approached and although I knew it was coming, I'd done nothing to prepare. We'd done nothing to prepare.

After he'd spent some time between my thighs, he arose to hold me tightly as he slowly and gently rocked into me. He didn't rush; he was taking his time and revelling in the feeling as we moved together, tangled in the sheets.

He'd gone from rough to gentle in such a short space of time but I think being in my own bed and in my own bedroom called for a more intimate connection and I think he agreed.

I also got the sense that it was a goodbye of sorts. We hadn't mentioned it, but it was the perverted elephant in the room, watching on as we shared an intimate moment laced with passionate emotion and fear.

He'd clasped my face and kissed me deeply, telling me over and over how beautiful he thought I was.

Every situationship I've ever had was blown out of the water. He was so genuine and assertive with everything he said, drilling it into me until he was certain I believed him.

"Harry," I'd told him in a moment of complete vulnerability, "those words never felt right on me until I met you".

I woke up cringing at the playback but it was true. I'd felt an innate need to open up and that scared the living shit out of me.

I laid out on the stage after soundcheck. It was such a balmy day, the breeze was light but barely detectable.

"What are you doing, darlin'?" My head rolled to the side to see a pair of white laced vans stepping towards me, the owner with a deep velvety drawl.

"The sky looks pretty" I shrugged as he got down onto the stage floor with me. My gaze returned to the sky above as he lay down by my side.

"The blue's almost a perfect match for your eyes" he observed, an elbow lightly poking me. "Have I told you I love your eyes?"

"You have" I sighed, "about a million times".

I rolled my face to the side once more to admire his side profile. His jaw was sharp and angular, perfectly accentuated by the softness of his plump, full lips. Light stubble covered some of his golden tan, his hair perfectly imperfect as it was clipped back off his face.

"What's going on with you today? You're not yourself". His words broke through my moment of solitude.

"I'm just thinking" I told him.

His gaze met me, his green eyes searching mine for some sort of tell. "And what are you thinking about?"

"Us". It almost came out in a squeak, "I'm just a bit sad".

Talking about feelings was something that had always been so foreign to me, so hearing myself speak now - even using such few words, was strange.

"Yeah, me too Eve" he sighed, his hand outstretched to take mine and we lay with interlaced fingers between us.

There were a million things I wanted to say, questions to ask and things to discuss but I couldn't physically bring myself to speak up. The silence swallowed us as we lay still until Harry spoke up again.

"I can just about hear your mind ticking away over there" he chuckled lightly, bringing my knuckles to his lips.

I responded with a hum.

"I know how I feel about you Evie, and I'm pretty sure I know how you feel about me". His fingers began playing with the rings on my hand. "I mean, this is already kind of a relationship".

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now