All In A Day's Work

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Huffing, puffing, and breathing hard, his breath blowing out visibly in front of his face in the cold, Gary ran with his Egg between his shoulder blades, keeping it between his hands. His knees rose high in turn, his feet slamming down in stomps. It was really hard to run like this, made even more uncomfortable by his tighter coat, but he also hoped this might help stretch it out.

Behind him, Electivire, Charizard, Sabrina, and Deino were also keeping in shape, the Bird Pokemon flying close by the others who were jogging.

Stantler kept beside Gary.

Gary had to tell the other Pokemon to keep their distance as the shy Stantler wasn't comfortable with the others, including Ranger Kai.

Ranger Kai was matching Gary's workout routine and had improved upon it, teaching Gary, his willing Pokemon, and even Electivire, how to fix their posture and effort to get the most out of it.

Porygon-Z was floating next to Ranger Kai, swaying side to side, matching the woman's rhythm while listening to her talk about what Gary had decided to refer to as the Three Bs: Bugs, Butts, & Boos.

"You know, for a Normal type, you're pretty fun! And a great listener!" Ranger Kai exclaimed.

Porygon-Z cried out with presumable joy and flew a bit into the air, and then swooped back down to continue swaying and listening.

"I don't know if you've ever heard of Wallace? Or Juan? They both are talented Trainers in the Hoenn region, but more importantly, they both have some fantastic butts!"

Gary sucked his teeth. He was maybe another couple of hours, or perhaps seconds, away from telling Ranger Kai to just leave him alone already. His politeness was preventing it as much as it could, but his wall of patience was cracking from constant swings with a sledgehammer.

"You know, Gary, if you keep this up, you might end up with a butt like Emmett, or Grimsley," Ranger Kai told him teasingly, smirking at him.

Gary's eyes widened and he stared back at her, his face getting hot, and he swallowed hard.

Ranger Kai's smirk vanished and her eyes widened as she straightened up. "Wait, how old are you again??"

Gary tripped and fell to his face, holding his Egg up out of instinct to keep it from smashing. That really hurt... He groaned and then breathed out, and dirt got into his face, blinding him. "Oh, come on," Gary complained. He set the Egg down and then stood up to rub at his eyes.

"Gary look out!!" Ranger Kai screamed.

Gary squinted helplessly, his eyes burning and tearing. "Huh?" He blinked rapidly, forcing himself to see the frightening sight of birds attacking each other! Staravia! Gary realized.

There were a bunch of Staravia just attacking each other! Pecking, swinging wings, sending up clouds of dirt and blows of wind at each other!

"Swadloon, use Bug Buzz!" Ranger Kai ordered.

From the trees, Swadloon leaped out with a cry. Red waves came out from her body.

Everyone screamed, including Gary's Pokemon.

Gary held his ears, wailing out in pain.


"WHOA!" Gary was being yanked by the arm by Ranger Kai!


There was a quaking of the ground and then a BOOOOOOM!! went off as a huge hole appeared underneath the bunch of Staravia.

Screaming and cawing, they all flew off into two separate groups, into the sky.

Ranger Kai, Gary, and the rest of the Pokemon made their way into the safety of some brushes.

Swanna Song, Sung Throughout SinnohDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora