Sweatin' The Small Stuff

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She tasted as human as anything else.

June, her face covered in filth, bruises and moisture, trembled on the floor.

A bright light would have shone on her more clearly if not blocked by a towering figure.

She won't give me my answers. She's no use to me. A clawed, black hand spread wide and then wrapped around June's throat. She is of no use to me. Then die. Your neck snaps, your breath stops. Your life dies.

June's eyes bulged, looking ready to pop, as the claw squeezed even tighter.

Yes! Die! Die! Die here! Now! Smiling, the thick tongue slid along equally plump lips, slurping before swallowing thirstily. I'll drink in her blood this day.

The voices of others urged to destroy this abomination.

June's body flailed, stomped, grasped wildy in their final desperation to be free, her death being accepted.

With a roar in June's face, another arm raised and slashed into her chest, cutting for her heart to put her to rest.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Gary sat up. Inhaling hard, he looked up into the sky.

It was still dark out, but the sun was on its way.

Gary fell back onto his back and breathed heavily, and then he screamed! He sat up and whipped around, and his left hand gripped his right wrist when his right hand burst into pain at all the movement.

Riolu stood leering at her Trainer, matching in breathing with him. She swallowed at the same time Gary did, staring uncomfortably at him.

Gary stared right back at her. "WHAT DO YOU WANT??!!" he demanded frightfully. "STOP DOING THAT!!"

"Raichu!" Raichu eyed the two, looking like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Riolu never looked away, her gaze focused and stern for her Trainer.


"It is now believed, due to the released records over a decade ago, that Mega Evolution was in fact not originally found in the Kalos region as the discredited, previous professor, Mr. Sycamore claimed, but instead, this incredible leap in humanity's understanding of Pokemon instead began in the Hoenn region," Gary read out loud off of his phone. "The Dra... Draconids? The Draconids, a group of people which myth would have you believe still exist to this day, and who had a deep bond with Dragon type Pokemon, are said to speak of ancient times when it had been said that there was constant warring between Kyogre and Groudon, in their supposed 'Primal Formes.' It's said that meteorites fell from the skies, Rayquaza with them, and the warring was quelled. This repeated, supposedly, two more times, every thousand years, stopped due to the collective power of Rayquaza, the prayers of the Draconids for the warring to end, and the power within the falling meteors that are believed to be the original Mega Stones and Key Stones, leading to Rayquaza Mega Evolving and saving the Draconids, and the world. This cycle of war is still believed to continue in a never-ending cycle."

Electivire had June's bag on his right shoulder as usual, walking through the thick forest.

Raichu kept by Gary, his sunglasses on as he smiled outward, his mouth wide.

Looking at Raichu, Gary couldn't help but think of the late singer from before his time, Charles Ray, and this made him snicker. He looked back to his phone in his left hand, having expanded it to the size of a magazine, and saw that he still had no signal. For a moment, he had a connection, but it was gone again. He had loaded the page on Mega Evolution before that.

A shriek came out through the woods, Gary and Raichu gasping as they froze and looked around.

Electivire also stopped to eye the area suspiciously. "Electivire."

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