Car Radio

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Gary sat in the woods, his back on a tree trunk, listening to the sounds of the Kricketot that he couldn't see. The grass rustled for hours, Gary paying attention to it less and less as time went on. His mind was elsewhere entirely.

"It seems like trouble follows you wherever you go, huh, kid?" a female officer laughed loudly.

"What kind of a thing is that to say at a time like this?!" an Officer Jenny barked.

The other female officer looked frightened, stepping back. "I'm just sayin', he's got a history in Kanto with this thing!" she shrugged, raising her hands up defensively.

Officer Jenny huffed and turned back to Gary.

Tears dripped out of his eyes every few seconds as he cried silently, sitting on a couch in Prof. Cynthia's lab.

Officer Jenny sat next to him. "Gary, are you sure you don't need some more time to think this story over? A good night's rest can do wonders for the mind."

His head down, Gary could see Officer Jenny's smooth legs, but it might as well have been a hairy ape in a skirt next to him. There was only one thing his mind could focus on.

Gary sat in silence, not moving, barely breathing. Even blinking didn't happen for extended periods. He was remembering so much. What was there to say? What was there to do?

"I know we're dealing with some crazy monkey thing but I honestly think this magic Poke Ball thing that catches humans is going too far," a male officer whispered to Officer Jenny privately. The two were standing outside the lab doors. "I mean, he's saying it can fly, it can shoot electricity and plasma beams out... Now it's got Poke Balls?? Or, what, Human Balls, should we call 'em?"

"First of all, this creature is not some monkey, okay?" Officer Jenny whispered back. "Second, there's witnesses from the attacks in Kanto, as well as a couple from the attacks recently here. It's got to just be a Pokemon."

"Capturing humans? Is it a human Trainer?" the guy snickered.

Officer Jenny sighed and shook her head, looking down. "Poke Balls don't even do anything to humans. They have a paralyzing effect on them for a moment, but that's all. The kind of... technology that would be involved in something that catches a human..." Now, even she let out a low laugh and looked up, smirking. Her head shook slowly.

"So you don't believe that part," the male grinned sinisterly.

"I-it... It's just that that's impossible!"

Even from far off on the couch inside of the lab, Gary was able to hear them just fine.

What sounded like a loud splashing of water came out from a far distance from Gary.

He didn't react beyond his eyes shooting off as far as they could reach in the direction of the noise, but seeing nothing.

More grass rustled, bushes shook, and calls flew through the area.

Gary didn't care. It could have been bugs, ghosts, and vampires. As long as it wasn't that creature that had kidnapped June, he wasn't as concerned as he normally would have been.

One of the monster's hands reached out, and something flew out from it.

A ball flew through the air, heading for June, the top half a blue-gray color, the bottom a pale shade of green.

June, still covering her ears, gasped and stood up, taking a step back.

The ball hit her and hovered in the air. It opened, and an orange beam came out, hitting June and making her glow the same color.

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