Be Careful What You Wish For

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Gary sat up, startled. "June!" he let out. "OW!"

There were more startled reactions around him, Electivire and Raichu sitting up.

The phone was blaring, the alarm going off.

Gary raised his injured hand off the ground and used his other hand to cut off the alarm. He then swallowed. "Ouch," he whispered, shaking the hand lightly, feeling it throbbing. Breathing out, he lowered his gaze and thought back on the nightmare he just had. June... What was it this time...? He could see her falling to the ground from a high place, screaming. But that was it. In another memory, there was something flying through the sky, and... something about that involved June. He couldn't remember clearly. His left palm slapped his forehead and his hand then lowered, his fingers now rubbing his eyes, and finally, he looked to the cave opening and squinted from the brightness from the sun. He wanted to curl back up and sleep, but he had set that alarm for a reason.

According to Prof. Oak's notes, the time to see Jirachi was in mere hours, and Gary wanted to be ahead of time. It was nine o'clock now, and Gary got started with all of the hygienic necessities that he could actually accomplish, like brushing his teeth, using the bathroom, and, that was really all he was able to do. I'll bathe whenever I can finally find a body of water or just a Pokemon Center, but I really should look into those products the female Trainers are known for using, Gary told himself. Those face cleansers that don't require water like soap does. Women always know the best skin-care products, huh? Ha. I wonder if June has something like that in her bag...

After he was taken care of, he took care of the Pokemon, sending them out once their bowls were out and filled, and introduced the latest change, Stantler. She was terribly shy and ran as far as she could, so Gary went over to her with her food and instructed the other Pokemon to leave her alone and allow her to warm up on her own. All of these tasks were hard to do with only one hand and as careful as Gary was trying to be, he kept crying out in pain from accidental bumps and movements.

Finally, Gary was biding time, sitting and taking handfuls of cereal out of a box and tilting his head back, his mouth wide before letting the food tumble in.

Most of the Pokemon were already done eating by now and were on to other things.

Primeape was punching at the rock walls, burning energy.

Riolu was watching with admiration and mimicking the punches, but not hitting the wall.

Primeape would occasionally nod at her happily, looking down at her adoringly, and then go back to punching more eagerly than before.

Raichu was watching them happily, pleased with their pleasant interaction.

Scizor sat by herself, leaning against a wall, looking awkward.

Stantler was clonking around shyly behind Gary, looking at the others slightly but mostly with her head down.

Magneton was outside, taking in the sun.

Lanturn was laughing at Magikarp as he flopped around.

Electivire was sitting by the entrance to the cave, watching all of the Pokemon.

Gary couldn't tell if Magikarp had touched a single bite of his food and just returned him to his Poke Ball. That's Raichu, Electivire, Stantler, Magikarp, Lanturn... I feel like something is missing... He rubbed the back of his neck as it prickled. Who else...?

A sound grabbed his attention, from above. This made him uncomfortable, and slowly, he looked up.

Galvantula was sliding down a string from a web, her legs waving wildly!

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