Living Situation

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[C/N] = Cat Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

At her apartment in Fairy Hills, Erza Scarlet is hanging out with her friends Mirajane and Lucy.

Lucy : Erza, we need to talk.

Mirajane : It's really important.

Important? I wonder what it is.

The s-class mage thinks to herself as she sits across from the two.

Erza : Alright, is something wrong?

Lucy : No. Well, kind of.

Mirajane : It's about [Y/N].

This caused Erza to look at them in concern.

Why do they want to talk with me about [Y/N]?

[Y/N] is Erza's boyfriend, who lives on the other side of Magnolia.

Erza : Ok, what about [Y/N]?

Lucy : Look Erza, we like [Y/N], and love how happy he makes you....

Mirajane : But his late night visits have got to stop.

Erza looks away in embarrassment, knowing what they're referring to.

You see, [Y/N] has been sneaking into Fairy Hills so he and his girlfriend can spend time together.

Erza : I don't see the problem. [Y/N] doesn't bother anyone, and you guys know he's not a pervert if that's what you're worried about.

Mirajane : That isn't the issue here Erza. Fairy Hills is girls only, and if someone other than us catches him on the premises at night, who knows what might happen.

Lucy : Also, we're worried [Y/N] is gonna get hurt at some point while climbing up to your window. I mean, remember what happened last night?


Lucy is getting ready for bed when she hears a loud thud coming from outside.

What was that?!

She looks out her window and sees [Y/N] lying on the ground, clearly having fell from his nightly climb.

Lucy : Are you alright [Y/N]?!

She whisper-yells to her friend's boyfriend.

He simply nods and gives her a thumbs up before going back to his business.

Flashback End

....they're right. [Y/N] can't keep visiting me at night anymore.

Erza : I'll talk to [Y/N].

She tells her friends with a sigh.

Lucy : Thanks Erza.

Mirajane : [Y/N] is more than welcome to come over during the day though.

Erza : Yeah. It's getting pretty late, so I think I'm gonna get ready for bed.

Lucy : Goodnight Erza.

Mirajane : If [Y/N] comes over, be sure to tell him what we talked about.

Erza : ....right.

The two leave as Erza sighs sadly to herself.

What am I gonna do? I don't want [Y/N] to stop visiting me. We don't get to spend enough time together during the day due to his job, plus there's something I find oddly romantic about his nighttime visits.

Erza is snapped out of her thoughts by her boyfriend entering through her window like he has many times before.

[Y/N] : Hey babe! Why do you look so glum?

Erza : Listen [Y/N], you can't be doing this anymore.

[Y/N] : Huh? Why?

Erza : Multiple reasons. As much as I enjoy spending time with you here, this has to end.

[Y/N] : But, when will I get to see you then? We hardly have any time together in the day because of work, which if I recall correctly, me visiting you after dark was your solution to that problem.

Erza : I know, but now we have to think of another way.

Hmmm, what to do...

After thinking for an about a minute, [Y/N] gets an idea.

[Y/N] : Erza, I think I got one! Why don't you move in with me?

He says as Erza's eyes widen.

Erza : Y-you want me to move in with you? Are you sure you'd be ok with that [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : Absolutely! You've been to my place before and know that I have the space. Plus, my cat [C/N] loves you almost as much as I do, so there's no problem there.

He's right about [C/N]. The fluffy little ball of joy does enjoy seeing me whenever I come over.

[Y/N] : I'm not gonna force you to say yes, nor will I be upset if you say no. All I'm saying is that I love you Erza, and my home is always open to you.

Living with [Y/N]....I won't lie and say I haven't thought about it before. This would mean that I could be with my boyfriend without any risk of him suffering bodily injuries from taking a swan dive out my window.

Proceeding a brief moment of silence, Erza turns to her boyfriend with an unreadable expression.

Erza : I've thought your offer over and made my decision. [Y/N]...

He looks at her with hope in his eyes.

Please say yes.

Erza : I would love to move in with you.

She says with a small smile as [Y/N] hugs her tightly.

[Y/N] : I was hoping you'd say yes! I'm just so happy right now, and I know [C/N] will be too!

Erza : Heh. Did you honestly think I was gonna say no?

[Y/N] : Maybe just a little, but that doesn't matter now! I have to go back to my place and get everything ready for when you move in! Sorry to cut my visit short babe, but I'll see you in the morning! I love you Erza.

Erza : I love you too [Y/N].

They share a quick kiss before he begins going out her window as he has many times before.

[Y/N] : Despite looking forward to us being roomies soon, I'm gonna miss climbing your windowsill

As he says this, he loses his grip and plummets to the hard ground below.

Erza : [Y/N]!

Ok, I definitely won't be missing this though.

He groans and signals to his girlfriend that he's fine before limping away, the excitement of her moving in with him overshadowing the pain he's currently experiencing.

Heart of Titania : Erza Scarlet x Male Reader One Shots and Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now