Ballroom Blitz

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[F/C] = Favorite Color

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

[Y/N] : Alright, I'm fully dressed and ready to go. Now to meet up with Erza.

Wearing a very pristine [F/C] suit with matching pants, Fairy Tail members [Y/N] [L/N] steps out of his room and leaves to meet up with his friend (and secret crush) Erza Scarlet.

The reason he is dressed so formally is that Erza asked him to join her on a job that requires them to attend a fancy gala.

When he finds Erza, [Y/N] blushes profusely at the sight of her wearing a beautiful purple dress.

[Y/N] : W-wow Erza, you look absolutely stunning.

She blushes at his words and smiles.

Erza : Thank you [Y/N], I must say that you're looking quite handsome yourself.

Now it was his turn to blush.

[Y/N] : T-thanks. So, what exactly is our job again?

Erza : A very wealthy businessman will be attending the gala. His wife is worried that someone is going to make an attempt on his life, which is why she hired us. We are to keep her husband safe and subdue the assassin if there turns out to be one.

[Y/N] : Doesn't sound too hard.

Erza : My thoughts exactly. With the two of us working together, this job should be an easy one. Are you ready to go?

He nods and takes her hand, both of them blushing from the contact as they head to the gala.


As the gala continues, nothing of note has happened yet.

[Y/N] : Well this is boring. I'm not saying I want to see a guy get assassinated, but if there is someone planning on making an attempt, I hope they do it before I myself die from boredom.

Erza : I take it formal events aren't your thing?

[Y/N] : Not at all. In fact, just being in this suit makes me want to commit a felony. Seriously, how do people like dressing up in clothes like these?

He says in frustration, making Erza giggle.

Erza : Well if it's any consolation, I think that suit looks great on you. [F/C] really fits you well.

[Y/N] smiles from her compliment before having both his hands taken into hers.

[Y/N] : Erza? What are you doing?

Erza : I want to dance with you [Y/N]. Is that alright?

He blushes and nods as he lets her take the lead.

As they dance, a strong feeling begins blossoming between the two.

Stopping for a moment, Erza looks into her friend's eyes and speaks up.

Erza : Hey [Y/N], there's something I want to tell you.

[Y/N] : What is it?

Erza : The reason I specifically asked you to join me on this job is because I wanted to spend time with you. I've been in love with you for a long time [Y/N].

Initially surprised by her confession, [Y/N] shakes off his shock and gives her a warm smile.

[Y/N] : I feel the same way Erza. I love you too.

The two go in for a kiss, but [Y/N] turns away at the very last second.

Erza : I-is something wrong?

[Y/N] : Erza....look out the window.

She does so and sees a dark figure from a nearby rooftop aiming a gun at the man they were hired to protect.

Erza : GET DOWN!!!

The red-haired mage rushes over and shoves the man to the ground before he could get shot.

Panic instantly fills the ballroom as people scream and run about.

[Y/N] : Nobody panic! Stay calm! ....nobody's listening to me.

Having missed their target, the assassin takes off.

Erza : Oh no you don't! Come on [Y/N]!

[Y/N] : Right behind ya!

The two give chase to the assassin and manage to catch him thanks to their combined magic.

Assassin : You two are from Fairy Tail aren't you?!

[Y/N] : That's right. I hope you didn't have any important plans later, because you're going to jail for a looong time pal.

He and Erza turn the assassin over to the authorities before going back to the gala, where they're greeted by the wealthy man and his wife.

Wealthy Man : You saved my life! How can I ever begin to thank you?!

Erza : No need sir. We're just happy no one got hurt.

Wealthy Man's Wife : Even so, you two deserve a reward for protecting my darling husband. Besides the payment for completing the job of course.

She hands both [Y/N] and Erza a large sack of jewels, plus a couple small sacks as thanks.

The two then leave as Erza and [Y/N] are left alone in the empty ballroom.

[Y/N] : Welp, our job is done, so what do we do now?

Erza : If memory serves, you and I were about to do something before the assassin showed up.

Knowing what she's talking about, [Y/N] blushes and fixes the collar of his [F/C] suit.

[Y/N] : Right. How do you wanna do this-

His question comes to an abrupt halt as Erza slams her lips onto his.

[Y/N] quickly sinks into the kiss and wraps her arms around Erza's waist.

This goes on for a few more seconds before they pull away for air.

Erza : I love you [Y/N].

She says to him before resting her head on his shoulder, causing [Y/N] to smile and run his hand through her silky red hair.

[Y/N] : I love you too Erza.

Even though there is no music playing. Erza and [Y/N] begin slow dancing around the room, both of them fully enraptured in the moment as they lovingly look into each other's eyes and share another kiss.

Heart of Titania : Erza Scarlet x Male Reader One Shots and Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now