The Assault and The Hivemind

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The Next Day...

Darcy and Core Anne were in bed, they were sleeping soundly and peacefuly in their bed. Darcy woke up as she saw Core Anne asleep with her arms around her waist, she giggled a little and kissed her forehead. "Anne... Wakey, Wakey." Darcy said softly as she gently shakes Anne awake.

Core Anne wakes up and saw Darcy. "Hey, Mar-Mar." Core Anne said. Core Anne sits up and kisses Darcy, the two get out of bed and got dressed and exited their bedroom. They walk down the hall as they entered the throne room where Andrias was standing by the throne with The Frobots by the pillers.

Darcy and Core Anne sat on the throne as Darcy looked at Andrias. "Is The Frobots ready, Andrias?" Darcy asked. Andrias nods his head. "Excellent, now those fools won't stand a chance against us at all." Darcy said. Core Anne held Darcy's hand as she rested her head on her shoulder.

Andrias leaves the throne room and entered his room as he monitors Earth and Los Angeles, California as he is ready for this nightmare to begin again. Andrias sighed. "I really do hope things go smoothly... Marcy... Please be safe." Andrias said while hoping Marcy was safe with Anne.


As The Resistance were preparing for the assault on Newtopia, Sasha was in her study as she was just so concerned on what's going to happen when this is all over. She sighed as she really missed Anne and Marcy, she's honestly glad Anne and Marcy got together.

Although the two did get together, Sasha did have small feelings for Anne and Marcy though. She did developed small feelings for Anne and then Marcy when she was freed from The Core's control, she knows if she tells them, it wouldn't change anything to their friendship and they'll understand.

Sprig then came in and saw Sasha looked sad. "Sasha? Are you okay?" Sprig asked. Sasha looked up and saw Sprig standing in her entrance. "Hey Sprig! I'm just... In thought about... What will happen after all of this is over?" Sasha asked as she was concerned about what might happen when they win.

Sprig approached her and hoped next to her. "Well... Since Anne used her powers to recreate The Music Box and the three gems... It's possible we'll be able to see each other whenever we want." Sprig said. Sasha smiles as she can see Grime again after so long of them being apart from each other.

"Yeah, but The Core will still be around and they'll be able to possess Marcy, Anne or possibly me, I felt so bad for treating everyone so badly when I was a toxic person." Sasha said. "The Core underestimated me the first time... But now they know I changed... They'll possibly kill me if I fight Darcy and Anne... They'll slaughter me." Sasha said.

Sprig's eyes soften as he then spoke. "Sasha, Listen, Anne and Marcy know you and trust you... They love you and will never hate you just because of the mistakes you made, Anne told me that no matter how many mistakes we make, we can make up from them and learn from them." Sprig said.

Sasha listen to the pink frog as he tells her something that might stick with her for the rest of her life. "Anne tells me sometimes... She wishes she can be in Marcy's shoes or your shoes... She counted on you two and trusted you two... It was you two's turn to follow her lead... She then told me that... She'll always have your back... And so will Marcy..." Sprig said.

Sasha tears up and then she hugs Sprig tightly. "Thanks..." Sasha said. Sprig smiles and hugs back. "No problem." Sprig said. The two walk out of Sasha's study as they all march out of The Resistance Base and head for Newtopia Castle. Sasha rides with The Planters, Frobo, Grime, Olivia and Yunan on Joe Sparrow and Domino 2.

She looks down at the picture of Her, Anne and Marcy and smiled. "Hold on Girls, I'm coming for you, I'll get you two out... I promise..." Sasha said. They approached the castle as Andrias was in his room watching the monitors.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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