The Wu's Choice

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After returning from Massachusetts, Mr. Wu arrived at his house. "Honey!" Mrs. Wu said. The two hug and share a kiss. "How was it?" Mrs. Wu asked. Mr. Wu rubs the back of his neck. "Well, I got the job and we're going to be leaving in a few weeks." Mr. Wu said. Mrs. Wu smiles then something within her changed. She looks at Marcy's room as she smiles. "Honey, I think there's something you need to see." Mrs. Wu said.

The two head upstairs and open Marcy's bedroom door slightly. They see Anne and Marcy hugging each other in bed. Mr. Wu can't believe his eyes, they see Anne kiss Marcy's forehead as she holds her even tightly. The two shut the door and head downstairs. "I can't believe it, Anne and Marcy are dating?" Mr. Wu said. "Yeah, they even went out on a date which had... Well..." Mrs. Wu said as she couldn't say it.

Mr. Wu looks at his wife in confusion. "Honey, what is it?" Mr. Wu asked. Mrs. Wu breaths in and out as she spits it out. "Honey, that thing that possessed Marcy? Do you remember?" Mrs. Wu asked. "The Core thing Marcy said? Yes? What about it?" Mr. Wu asked. "It's still in Marcy." Mrs. Wu said. Mr. Wu was in shock as he sits on the couch beside his wife.

He looks at her with deep shock. "It's still here, I don't believe it." Mr. Wu said. Mrs. Wu looked concerned about staying in LA with Marcy and her husband can go up to Massachusetts to do his new job. "Honey, I know this job means a lot to you but, don't you think it's wrong?" Mrs. Wu asked.

Mr. Wu looks at her. "What do you mean?" Mr. Wu asked. "Well, Marcy ran away to another world because of you getting a new job, she thought it meant the end of her friendship with Anne and Sasha, she got possessed and an invasion happened." Mrs. Wu said. Mr. Wu became more aware of what she's saying.

She looks at her husband and holds his hand. "Honey, I know this was hard for us but, don't you think I had to face moving away?" Mrs. Wu said. Mr. Wu saw what she's saying. "Because of what has happened, Marcy has finally found someone to spend the rest of her life with her." Mrs. Wu said. "Do you think Marcy had to go through all of that because of your new job?" Mrs. Wu said.

Mr. Wu saw what has happened, because of his new job, Marcy ran away into a new world with her friends and got possessed by an artificial intelligence. He knew because of his decision, all of the events happened. He looks at his wife a knew what he needed to do. "Honey, we're not going to Massachusetts. I'm not taking it, Marcy's been through so much and we just had to face it." Mr. Wu said.

Marcy woke up and put her pajamas on and went downstairs, she then heard her parents talking and listen to what they were saying. "Maybe we were a little to hard on her." Mr. Wu said. Mrs. Wu looked at him and kissed his cheek. "Honey, make what you think we need to do." Mrs. Wu said. They look at each other and knew what was necessary. "Mom. Dad." Marcy said.

Mr. And Mrs. Wu saw their daughter awake and knew she was listening. "Dad. We're not moving?" Marcy asked. Mr. Wu knew it was right. "Sweetie, I know you've been through a lot and I know it was hard but, I don't want you to choose this route." Mr. Wu said. "I want you to choose the route that you want." Mr. Wu said. Mrs. Wu gets up and hugs her daughter. "Oh Marcy, we don't need to move away." Mrs. Wu said.

"You have a life here that you want to live and have." Mrs. Wu said. Marcy hugs her mother back. "I Love You Mom and Dad." Marcy said. "We love you too, Marcy." Mrs. Wu said. Marcy smiles as The Core takes control of her. "How cute." Darcy said. Mrs. Wu looks at her daughter and saw her eyes are orange now. "You!" Mr. Wu said. "Hello Wu's." Darcy greeted Marcy's parents.

"It's nice to finally meet you two in person, Mr. Wu, if you didn't get that new job, then none of this would have never happened." Darcy mocked as she chuckled. "It's you two's faults all of this happened and now you all with tremble in fear as to what we're going to do next." Darcy said. Mr. Wu wasn't afraid of The Core. "We're not afraid of you." Mr. Wu said. Darcy was impressed by the surge of confidence from Marcy's father as she smiles.

"Oh, we shall see." Darcy said. Marcy retakes control as she tears up and hugs her parents tightly. "Mom, Dad. I'm so sorry, I couldn't control myself." Marcy said as she sobs. They hug her back. "It's okay, Marcy." Mr. Wu said. "We get it." Mrs. Wu said. Marcy heads back upstairs as she sees Anne awake and in her pajamas. Marcy lays down as Anne kisses Marcy's forehead.

"Marcy, what happened?" Anne asked. Marcy smiles and looks at her girlfriend. "Anne, I'm not moving away." Marcy said. Anne was in shock. "What?" Anne laughed. "Yeah, my dad came back and told me and mom that we're not moving." Marcy said. Anne hugs Marcy tightly and kisses her forehead. "I'm glad you're staying, Mar-Mar." Anne said.

Anne and Marcy fall asleep in each other's arms. "Good Night Marcy, I Love You." Anne said. Marcy smiles. "Good Night Anne, I Love You Too." Marcy said. The two kiss on the lips and fall asleep. Marcy's parents watch this and smiled, their happy for Anne and Marcy and are herd to stay and make Marcy happy. Marcy isn't going anywhere, and nether is The Core...

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