Anne and Marcy vs The Core

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Anne and Marcy were asleep in Marcy's bedroom in each other's arms, Marcy was worried that The Core might come out and control her again. Anne was worried about what The Core is going to do with Marcy and what their planning, Anne and Marcy enter each other's dreams with them dressed in their old Amphibia outfits.

They see Darcy/The Core standing in front of them with their laser scythe in their hands, Anne and Marcy are ready to have another fight with the hivemind. "Well, look who it's is." Darcy muttered. "The two girlfriends we're willing to see." Darcy said. Marcy looked at Darcy and she has Anne by her side to face the hivemind once more. "Okay Darcy, it's time for you to go." Marcy said.

Darcy chuckled. "Oh Marcy, we're not going anywhere." Darcy muttered. "And despite the fact that Anne tried to destroy us was so insignificant, she died and it's all because of Marcy." Darcy said. Marcy's eyes widen as she fell to her knees in realization that she was the cause of Anne dying, Anne died because of her. Anne saw this and hugs Marcy tightly. "Anne, their right. I was the one who caused you to die, it's my fault you died." Marcy said crying.

Anne knew that wasn't true. Marcy did trap herself, her and Sasha in Amphibia to be with them, but she didn't want Anne to die. "Marcy, it's not your fault." Anne said. She rubs Marcy's back and rocks back and forth. "Marcy, I died because I wanted to save the world and people I love." Anne said. "I chose that fate, but I came back to stay." Anne said. "I'm not going anywhere." Anne said.

Marcy's tears dried up as she felt the warmth of Anne's hair and calmed down, Anne and Marcy break the hug as Marcy wipes her tears from her eyes. "Sorry Anne, I just felt guilty and heartbroken." Marcy said. Anne kisses Marcy's cheek. "Marcy, I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you ever again." Anne said. The two stand up and are prepared to fight Darcy.

Darcy was pleased that Anne managed to cheer Marcy up. "How cute, the adorable couple all happy and loving together." Darcy mocked. "You two would make great rulers of Amphibia, as that will soon come for you two." Darcy said. Anne and Marcy became more confused on what Darcy meant. "What are you talking about?" Anne asked. Darcy chuckled as she looks at the couple. "You'll see." Darcy said.

Anne looked at Darcy and was so confused on what she meant, she honestly thought Marcy looked awesome in the Darcy armor. "Hey Marcy?" Anne said. Marcy looks at Anne. "Yeah Anne?" Marcy said. "Marcy, when you were possessed by The Core, I honestly thought you looked awesome in the armor, helmet and cape." Anne confessed. Marcy blushed in embarrassment. "Aww, Anne. You're so sweet." Marcy said.

Darcy was in shock that Anne thought Marcy looked awesome in the armor, helmet and cape, Darcy then thought about what her next move was but then she saw it. She then smirks as she summons her army that The Core used against The Calamity Trio during their final gambit. Anne and Marcy saw The Core's Forces once more in their dream. "Oh no, not these things again." Marcy said.

Anne smiles and holds her girlfriend's hand. "Marcy, we got this. We beat these space bugs before and we'll do it again." Anne said. Marcy saw Anne's confidence and gain that too. "Let's do this." Marcy said. Darcy/The Core smiles as they are ready. "Forces! Attack!" Darcy/The Core said. The Forces attack Anne and Marcy as they dodge them.

Anne uses her sword to slash some of the forces as she jumps over one of them and throws it back at a chunk of them, her eyes glow blue as half of her calamity powers activate. "Woah, I still have some of my power." Anne said. Marcy saw this and tried it out. She activated half her powers too as her hair glows green and her eyes glow green as well.

"Woah, Marcy. You still have some of your power too." Anne said. Marcy smiles. "Yeah, and I guess Sasha has some of her power too." Marcy said. Anne's eyes soften. "Marcy, you look so beautiful." Anne said. Marcy blushes and hugs Anne. "Anne, you look so beautiful too." Marcy said. "I Love You Anne." Marcy said. Anne hugs back. "I Love You Too, Marcy." Anne said. The two fly towards The Core's Defenses as they take out more and more of them.

Darcy is surprised to see Anne and Marcy with pieces of their calamity powers, that also means that Sasha has pieces of hr powers as well. Darcy smiles as she can now travel back to Amphibia with the pieces of the calamity powers. The two charged towards Darcy as the hivemind jumps over them and uses her scythe to slash them out of the air. Anne and Marcy fall to the ground as the take out their weapons and fight Darcy/The Core.

Darcy is ready to destroy the ones who tried to destroy them. "Well, Let's Rumble Girlfriends!" Darcy said. She twirls her scythe as she runs at Anne and Marcy, Darcy laughs manically as she swings her scythe at the two. Anne and Marcy block the attacks as Darcy summons a mechanical tentacle and knocked them back. Marcy stands up as she calculated what they should do.

She helps Anne up and tells her what they need to do. "Anne, Darcy may have an advantage against us but I have an idea." Marcy said. Anne listened to what Marcy has to say. Darcy is concerned on what Marcy is saying to Anne. After that, Anne and Marcy separated as Marcy goes behind Darcy and Anne charged towards the hivemind as a result.

Darcy sees what their trying to do and smirks, she uses her mechanical tentacles to block Anne from hitting her as she summons a dagger. "Oh no you don't, Marcy." Darcy muttered as she throws the dagger at Marcy. Marcy smiles as she doges the dagger and throws it back at Darcy. Darcy is in deep shock as Anne comes behind her and kicks her to the ground.

Darcy sees Anne on top of her as the girl raised her sword up. "Goodbye, Darcy." Anne said. Darcy smirks as she is ready. Anne swings it down as a long bang is heard. Anne and Marcy are in shock as Darcy manged to use her hands to stop the sword, Darcy opens her eyes as she stands up. "Poor Anne and Marcy, you two tried so hard, didn't you?" Darcy said. Darcy begins to glow orange as she activated dark versions of the calamity powers of heart, wit and strength.

Anne and Marcy were horrified as Darcy smirks as a result. "Well, looks like we finally have the power to destroy you three stars and finally rule The Multiverse for all ETERNITY!" Darcy said. Anne and Marcy activated their calamity powers at full power as they fly towards Darcy.

Darcy knows she will destroy the three stars as she summons the dark version of the secret spell that destroyed The Core. Darcy smiles one more time at Anne and Marcy. "Goodbye Anne and Marcy, it was nice knowing you two while it lasted." Darcy said. Anne and Marcy remained horrified as they are blasted with the spell and are erased from existence.

Anne and Marcy quickly wake up from that horrible nightmare, Marcy looks at Anne and she see that their okay. "Anne, we need to get back to Amphibia." Marcy said. Anne knew it was the only way. "Marcy, tomorrow, we're going to the lab and have the portal prepared." Anne said. She then sees she still has her powers and so does Marcy.

"Anne, I still can't believe that we still have our powers." Marcy said. "Yeah, we're going to get that thing out of you. I Promise." Anne said. The two lay down and share a kiss and fall asleep. The Core sees this as an opportunity to finally get revenge on Anne, Marcy, Sasha and all of Amphibia for defeating them. Their time for revenge is coming.

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